people on pontoon boat

How much is boat Insurance? A Complete Guide to what drives rates

The common quote goes: “The two happiest days in a boat owner’s life are the day they buy the boat and the day they sell it.”

But, boat insurance can help ease your level of concern when it comes to your investment, by ensuring that you don’t need to worry if anything goes awry with your boat.

women and childrend on a boat

In today’s article, we’ll take a dive into the types of boat insurance and what factors go into the pricing of each specified type.

Liability Boat Insurance

Liability coverage is what insurance will protect you against financial responsibility if you are at fault for any injury or damage that happens while operating your boat. Liability insurance can cover bodily injury to others, property damage, legal defense, and environmental damage.

luxury boat

Depending on where you keep your boat, the marina may have a minimum coverage requirement to allow you to use your boat in that area. The more expensive the boat is, the higher the liability coverage is going to be. Coverage can also extend to anyone who is using your boat with your permission.

Determining Factors for Liability Boat Insurance Cost

The determining factors for the cost of the liability insurance for your boat will depend on a few factors:

  • Boat size and horsepower
  • Operating area (inland lakes vs. coastal waters)
  • Number of operators
  • Boating experience and safety certifications
  • Claims history
  • State requirements and marina minimums

The larger the boat, and the more people that are going to be on board, the higher the limit you’re encouraged to get. Typical coverage for liability boat insurance starts at $100,000, and many experts recommend going for $300,000 to $500,000. The reality is that accidents do happen, and unfortunately, sometimes the bill can be quite high.

Collision Boat Insurance

Collision coverage for your boat is exactly that, coverage if there is a collision.

Handling a boat can put it at risk for a collision, since you often you can’t see everything that is in the water. You could even be hit by someone while you’re out and about on the water. Damage to the boat can also occur while it’s docked, and in this case, you’re going to want coverage.

sinking boat

Deductibles for collision insurance often range from $250-$1000.

Collision coverage is often required by lenders if you are financing the boat.

Some insurance companies will offer emergency assistance and often will cover the boat while it’s being transported on a trailer. You may be able to get boat shipping discounts if you already have collision coverage, as the transport company won’t require you to pay additional money for transport insurance. 

Determining Factors for Collision Insurance Cost

Below are some of the determining factors for the cost of boat collision insurance:

  • Boat value and age
  • Hull material and construction
  • Navigation equipment installed
  • Storage location and security
  • Usage frequency
  • Type of waters navigated
  • Deductible selected
boats docked at marina

Depreciation of the boat does reduce the premium around every 5 years (depending on the insurance provider). Special boats like classic boats may require special coverage to cover the added cost of the added “classic” cost.

Comprehensive Boat Coverage

Comprehensive coverage for a boat is for everything else that doesn’t fall into the collision or liability insurance categories. It’s for theft, vandalism, fires, explosions, storm damages, sinking while moored, and even animal-related damage.

boat parked at marina for maintenance

Boats that are used as an income source (tourist attractions, fishing boats, etc) can benefit greatly, as all the gear on board will be covered. Without comprehensive insurance, there is a risk that the value of your personal belongings will not be able to be recouped under less comprehensive insurance plans.

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Determining Factors for Comprehensive Boat Insurance Coverage

Below are some of the factors that affect the premium cost of comprehensive boat insurance:

  • Geographic location (hurricane exposure)
  • Storage methods and security
  • Age and condition of the boat
  • Previous theft claims in the area
  • Safety and security equipment
  • Winter storage practices
  • Local crime rates

Depending on your location, comprehensive coverage can vary significantly. For boats worth around $100,000, annual comprehensive coverage typically ranges from $600-1,200 in low-risk areas. However, if you’re in a hurricane zone like Florida or the Gulf Coast, expect to pay 40-70% more, potentially pushing premiums to $1,000-2,000 annually.

inddor boat storage facility

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Boats are expensive and can incur high costs during the lifetime of ownership, but skimping out on insurance is NOT ideal. Take the time to investigate insurance providers, and decide what type of insurance is right for your boat usage.

Be safe on the water!


floating dock EZ Dock

Whatever floats your… | The Best Types Of Floating Docks for Boaters

Boating on any body of water is a gateway to a spectacular outdoor experience.

And, whether your love fishing, or just enjoy breathing the fresh air, it helps to have a dock to secure your boat, to make it easier for your friends, family and loved ones to climb aboard.

Floating docks also give you the flexibility to start your journey in different locations. So, let’s take a look at the numerous options you have for floating docks and premier outlets where you can make your purchase.

What Is a Floating Dock?

You might be wondering, what’s a floating dock anyway?

EZ Dock Idaho

A floating dock is a movable (and floating) platform on which you can safely board a boat or personal watercraft.

Many floating docks are barefoot-friendly and allow you to piece together sections, similar to a puzzle, to accommodate the number of people in your party.

Advantages of Owning a Floating Dock

There are multiple types of floating docks on the market to accommodate boats and watercraft. The main differences between products relate to their sizes and materials. However, you can expect most floating docks to provide the following advantages:

  • Adaptable: You can find floating docks that adapt to changing water levels. This is perfect for lakes and reservoirs in which water levels rise and lower due to weather.
  • Removable: Change your setup between adventures to board in new locations.
  • Configuration options: Join more than one floating dock together for a larger platform.
  • Ease of use: Adjusting the size of a floating dock allows you to easily set out on your boat, jet ski, kayak or canoe without trouble.
  • Weather-ready: Floating docks adapt to inclement weather without submerging.

Top Types Of Floating Docks

Picking the right floating dock for your setup requires looking at the materials used to make them. Any dock from a reputable brand should serve you well, but you might be more inclined to choose one over another due to its characteristics.

1. Polyethylene

EZ Docks Polyethylene floating dock

Polyethylene floating docks are popular options for enthusiasts like you. The surfaces last for long periods of time with zero chance of rusting or rotting due to the lack of metal or wood in the designs. These docks are also affordable to fabricate, leading to a surplus of shapes available.

2. Aluminum

Aluminum is a lightweight metal that stands strong against surface damage — imperfections like scratches and dents are of minimal concern. Similar to polyethylene floating docks, aluminum varieties are incapable of rusting.

aluminum floating dock

3. Inflatable

Inflatable floating docks are versatile for small watercraft. As the name implies, these floating docks fill with air to stay above the water and you can fix them to permanent docks or other structures with rope.

Most inflatable floating docks are manufactured with polyester threads and PVC. These products are less durable than their polyethylene and aluminum counterparts, but the high-pressure inflation process gives them a solid feel all around.

The Best Places to Get Floating Docks

EZ Docks Connecticut 1

Here are some of the best floating dock suppliers for lakes…

1. EZ Dock

EZ Dock has been a pioneer in the floating dock industry since 1991 with fully customizable options for residential, commercial, government and industrial customers.

EZ Dock in Florida

EZ Dock manufactures polyethylene docks that are slip-resistant and feature impressive weight capacities.

Products from this manufacturer are some of the best docks for lakes that freeze, as recycled rubber couplings are used to add strength and flexibility under changing conditions. Your floating dock stays intact while being straightforward to disassemble, should you need to.

2. AccuDock

accudock floating dock amd boat

AccuDock is well-known in the industry for manufacturing floating docks for rowing competitors. This company allows you to customize aluminum docks in virtually any size or shape, and its staff assists with permitting consultations and installations, too.

Whether you need an ADA-compliant dock or want to create a floating dock to precise specifications, this brand, based in Pompano Beach, Florida, stays current on the latest trends to create stellar products.

3. Bellingham Marine

Bellingham Marine prides itself on providing infinite solutions for waterways. One advantage of this manufacturer is that you can find concrete, wood and aluminum floating docks.

bellingham marine docks

Final Thoughts On Best Types Of Floating Docks

A floating dock is the key to unlocking the full potential of a lake, pond, or spring. Whether you need a docking solution for work or leisure activities, the types of floating docks and the top makers mentioned in the lists above will help you make a logical decision for your boating adventures.

So, explore the waters and make new memories with friends and family like never before once you settle on a polyethylene, aluminum or inflatable floating dock that exceeds your expectations!

Happy and safe boating!

girl wakesurfing

Wakesurfing 101: A Beginner’s Journey to Surfing the Wake

Wakesurfing, a water sport that has been gaining immense popularity in recent years, is a combination of surfing and wakeboarding. Wakesurfing involves riding the wake behind a boat without being attached to it, using a specialized board. The sport of wakesurfing is gaining popularity due to its easy learning curve and the thrilling experience it provides.

In this guide, we will cover the basics of the sport, the equipment needed, and the techniques required to surf the wake successfully. Whether you are a seasoned surfer or a complete beginner, this article will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to hit the water and start wakesurfing!

Gear Essentials for Wakesurfing

Wakesurfing is an exciting water sport that requires the right gear to ensure safety and maximize fun. Below are some essential gear items that every beginner should consider before hitting the water.

How to Choose the Right Wakesurf Board Type

man wakesurfing

Choosing the right wakesurf board is crucial for a successful and enjoyable experience.

Wakesurf boards come in different sizes, shapes, and brands, and selecting the right one depends on the rider’s skill level, weight, and riding style.

The Importance of a Proper Tow Rope and Handle

A proper tow rope and handle are essential for wakesurfing, as they provide the necessary tension and control to ride the wake.

wakesurfing blue water

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Other Essential Gear

In addition to a wakesurf board and tow rope, there are other required equipmaent items that every wakesurfer should have.

life jackets for waklesurfing

A helmet is also recommended, especially for beginners or riders attempting advanced tricks. Wetsuits or rash guards are useful for colder water temperatures or prolonged exposure to the sun.

Finally, it’s essential to have proper safety gear, such as a first aid kit and a whistle, in case of emergencies.

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Understanding the Boat Setup

When it comes to wakesurfing, understanding the boat setup is crucial for a successful and safe ride. Here are some important factors to consider:

The Role of the Boat Driver and Spotter

wakesurfing behind boat

Proper Boat Speed and Weight Distribution

The speed of the boat is a crucial factor in wakesurfing. The ideal speed for wakesurfing is typically between 10 and 12 mph, depending on the rider’s skill level and the boat’s weight distribution.

Speaking of weight distribution, it is important to evenly distribute weight throughout the boat to create a clean and consistent wake. Ballast weights can also be used to adjust the boat’s weight distribution and create a larger wake.

Safety Precautions to Observe on the Boat

Safety should always be a top priority when wakesurfing. All riders should wear a properly fitting life jacket or personal flotation device (PFD) at all times.

It is also important to make sure that the boat’s speakers and music do not interfere with the driver’s ability to hear the spotter’s instructions.

first aid kit

Additionally, the boat should be equipped with all necessary safety equipment, such as a fire extinguisher and first aid kit. Finally, it is important to observe all safety precautions when entering and exiting the boat.

Learning the Basics of Wakesurfing

Wakesurfing is a fun and exciting water sport that is gaining popularity among water enthusiasts. However, for beginners, it can be a challenging experience. Learning the basics of wakesurfing is crucial to ensure that you have an enjoyable and safe experience on the water.

How to Get Up on the Wakesurf Board

The first step in wakesurfing is to get up on the board. The rider should start in the water with the board perpendicular to the boat. The rider should hold the rope with both hands, keeping their arms straight. The rider should then slowly stand up, keeping their knees bent and their weight centered over the board. As the boat accelerates, the rider should allow the boat’s pull to lift them out of the water.

Finding the Sweet Spot in the Wake

wakesurfing blue water

Maintaining Balance and Stance While Wakesurfing

Maintaining balance and stance while wakesurfing is essential to staying on the board. The rider should keep their weight centered over the board and their knees bent. Keep chest up and shoulders back, leaning slightly back to maintain control.

It is essential to keep the board parallel to the water’s surface to maintain balance.

girl wakesurfing

Progressing Your Wakesurfing Skills

Once a beginner has mastered the basics of wakesurfing, they can start to work on advancing their skills. This section covers some techniques and tricks that can help take wakesurfing to the next level.

Turning Techniques: Carving and Slashing

man wakesurfing a wave

Basic Tricks: Ollies, Shuvits, and Grabs

Once a wakesurfer has mastered the basics, they can start to work on some simple tricks.

Ollies involve jumping off the wave and back on, while shuvits involve spinning the board underfoot. Grabs involve grabbing the board while in the air. These tricks can add some flair to a wakesurfing session and help wakesurfers progress their skills.

Gradually Increasing Speed and Wave Size

wakesurfing girl

Safety Tips and Etiquette

Wakesurfing is an exciting water sport that can be enjoyed by beginners and experts alike. However, safety should always be a top priority. In this section, we will discuss some important safety tips and etiquette that every wakesurfer should know.

Wakesurfing Etiquette

Wakesurfing etiquette is all about respecting other wakesurfers and water users. Here are some basic rules to follow:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings and other boats on the water.
  • Avoid making repetitive passes in the same area, as this can create a dangerous situation for other water users.
  • Respect the rights of other boaters and water users, and give them plenty of space.
  • If you are new to wakesurfing, consider taking a lesson or practicing in a designated area.

Safety Precautions for Falls and Collisions

falling while wakesurfing
  • Wear a life jacket and helmet. These will help protect you in the event of a fall or collision.
  • If you fall, try to fall away from the wake and the boat. This will help reduce the risk of getting hit by the board or the boat.
  • If you are approaching another wakesurfer or boat, slow down and give them plenty of space. This will help prevent collisions.

Understanding and Respecting Local Regulations

Different waterways may have different regulations when it comes to wakesurfing. It is important to understand and respect these regulations to ensure the safety of all water users. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Check local regulations before wakesurfing in a new area.
  • Follow any speed limits or no-wake zones in the area.
  • Respect the rights of other water users, including swimmers, kayakers, and other boaters.
  • If wakesurfing in the ocean, be aware of any local hazards, such as rocks or reefs.

By following these safety tips and etiquette rules, wakesurfers can enjoy this exciting sport while minimizing the risk of injury or accidents.

Troubleshooting Common Beginner Mistakes

Common Wakesurfing Errors (Stance and Balance)

One of the most common mistakes beginners make when wakesurfing is not having the correct stance or balance.

It’s important to have a strong, stable stance on the board to maintain control and balance. Beginners often make the mistake of standing too straight or bending their knees too much, which can cause them to lose balance and fall off the board.

To avoid this, beginners should try to maintain a relaxed stance with their knees slightly bent and their weight evenly distributed over both feet. They should also keep their eyes focused on the boat and the wake, rather than looking down at their feet.

Tips for Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence

Wakesurfing can be intimidating for beginners, especially if they have never done any type of surfing before. Fear and lack of confidence can cause beginners to hesitate or make mistakes, which can lead to falls and injuries.

To overcome fear and build confidence, beginners should start by practicing in calm, flat water before moving on to bigger wakes. They should also start with a slower boat speed and gradually increase it as they become more comfortable.

It’s also important for beginners to have a positive mindset and not be too hard on themselves if they make mistakes. Wakesurfing takes practice and patience, so beginners should give themselves time to learn and improve.

Conclusion: Embracing the Wakesurfing Lifestyle

To fully embrace the wakesurfing lifestyle, it’s important to invest in quality equipment and safety gear, such as a wakesurf board, tow rope, life jacket, and boat. It’s also important to learn the basics of wakesurfing, such as proper body position, weight distribution, and boat speed.

man with orange shorts wakesurfing

Once you have the basics down, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new tricks and techniques. Wakesurfing is a constantly evolving sport, with new tricks and styles emerging all the time. Whether you prefer a laid-back, cruisy ride or an adrenaline-fueled, high-intensity session, there’s something for everyone in wakesurfing.

Finally, remember to respect the water and the environment. Always follow local laws and regulations, and be mindful of other boaters and water users. With the right attitude and approach, wakesurfing can be a fun, rewarding, and sustainable way to enjoy the water and the outdoors.