Pile of gun magazines and bullets on white background

Handgun Calibers Explained: Choosing The Right One For Your Hunt

Handguns are advantageous when you want to pack light while hunting for wild game or as protection against dangerous animals you might encounter.

But, with so many calibers, how can you know which one will have the stopping power you need?

So, What Is “Caliber” Anyway?

handgun and ammo in the dirt

Choosing the correct handgun caliber depends on the kind of game you’ll be hunting (not to mention the right kind of handgun). Here’s a comparison of some of the most popular handgun calibers for hunting and the game they’re designed to take down.

.22 Long Rifle

[Not to be confused with the .22 long, its parent caliber.]

remington 22 lr ammo

Despite its name, the .22 Long Rifle (LR) can be fired from various semi automatic pistol models. Introduced in 1887 originally as a rimfire cartridge for rifles, the .22 LR is among the most produced and widely used rounds for target shooting and small game hunting.

Bullet DiameterOverall Bullet LengthBullet MassMuzzle VelocityMuzzle Energy
0.223 – 0.2255 inches1.000 inch30 – 40 grain (1.9 – 2.6 g)1,200 – 1,750 ft/sec131 – 204 ft/lbf (178 – 277 J)

The .22 LR round’s small size makes for low recoil and low noise. And, because of the caliber’s low recoil, novice or first-time hunters can benefit from increased control and accuracy. It’s also one of the most affordable on the market, with a block of 50 rounds costing a couple of dollars on average.

However, having a low recoil also means it doesn’t pack as much of a punch as others in this list, at least when taking down big animals. Because of this, the .22 LR is more suited to hunting small game that’s no more than 30 lbs. in weight. Experts recommend high-velocity hollow point rounds to maximize the caliber’s stopping power.

10mm Auto

magtech 10mm auto

Adopted by law enforcement agencies until the 1990s, the 10mm Auto isn’t as mainstream as the other pistol calibers in this guide. However, its power and reduced ballistic drop still see a niche following among gun enthusiasts and hunters.

Bullet DiameterOverall Bullet LengthBullet MassMuzzle VelocityMuzzle Energy
0.400 inches1.260 inches77 – 180 grain (5.0 – 12.0 g)1,290 – 2,420 ft/sec649 – 1,001 ft/lbf (880 – 1,357 J)

While ideal for taking down deer and other deer-sized game, the caliber is also sometimes used for hunting larger game animals like elk and wild hogs (though at closer ranges). It imparts more energy than the .357 Magnum, which also means more time in flight to stay on target compared to the .45 ACP. In other words, it’s a small cartridge that can go big when you need it to.

However, being a niche caliber, the 10mm Auto can be expensive compared to other, more common rounds. Experts say the cost difference isn’t significant, but it’s worth considering when shopping for guns and ammo.

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.357 Magnum

Bears can run fast for their lumbering physique when they want to. Even the polar bear, the slowest of the three common species of bears in North America, can reach land speeds of up to 25 mph. By comparison, the average human can only run one-fifth as fast.

Loading .357 magnum rounds into a revolver

So, if you needed to fend off a bear attack, the .357 Magnum caliber cartridge would be one to consider. It’s a derivative of the .38 Super designed to punch through doors of 1920s automobiles, which cartels and gangs would use as cover during firefights against law enforcement.

Bullet DiameterOverall Bullet LengthBullet MassMuzzle VelocityMuzzle Energy
0.357 inches1.590 inches125 – 200 grain (8.0 – 13.0 g)1,200 – 1,450 ft/sec539 – 783 ft/lbf (584 – 640 J)

Although the caliber is synonymous with revolver-type handguns, it can also be loaded on semiautomatic pistols. It’s one of the smallest cartridges that Desert Eagle semiautomatic pistols can chamber and fire.

.45 Automatic Colt Pistol (.45 ACP)

Not to be confused with the .45 Colt/Long Colt, a similar caliber but made for revolvers.

45 ACP cartridge

Experiences from the Philippine-American War (also known as the Philippine Insurrection) urged the U.S. military to implement a rule that future service pistols should be at least .45 caliber. Soldiers found that the standard-issue .38 Long Colt lacked the stopping power to put down frenzied charges by Moros of the southern Philippines.

The result is the .45 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP), a caliber most commonly fired from the old but reliable M1911 pistol. If a .45 caliber is enough to defeat banzai-like attacks, surely it’s enough for taking down game, right?

Yes, but at closer ranges and if you’re a good shot.

Bullet DiameterOverall Bullet LengthBullet MassMuzzle VelocityMuzzle Energy
0.452 inches1.275 inches90 – 230 grain (6.0 – 15.0 g)835  – 2,036 ft/sec356 – 829 ft/lbf (483 – 1,124 J)

Some argue that the .45 ACP doesn’t impart enough energy to take down deer and larger animals. While true to some extent, the caliber is ubiquitous enough to be affordable for hunters on a tight budget. Manufacturers understand this, which is why they design the cartridge with various tips and stuff it with stiffer charges to enhance its stopping power.

.50 Action Express

50 action express pic

Bullet DiameterOverall Bullet LengthBullet MassMuzzle VelocityMuzzle Energy
0.500 inches1.610 inches300 – 460 grain (19.0 – 30.0 g)1,050  – 1,550 ft/sec1,126 – 1,600 ft/lbf (1,527 – 2,200 J)

Whereas the .357 Magnum is the smallest round a Desert Eagle pistol can fire, the .50 AE is the largest. In fact, the Desert Eagle was primarily designed to accept this cartridge. Due to its power, hunters can safely target their game from as far as 200 meters.

However, with great power comes great recoil. Even with a steady hand and firm grip, you can expect the gun to raise 30 degrees after firing. The loud noise it generates will surely startle nearby wildlife, which could further limit your chances of getting a kill.

Final Thoughts On Handgun Calibers

Long story short, you wouldn’t want to pack a .50 AE on a small game animal for the same reason you wouldn’t want to carry a .22 LR on a hunt for boars. Knowing the kind of game to hunt is key in packing the best handgun caliber.

Be sure to check your state’s laws as they pertain to handgun hunting, and… safe shooting!


people lined up at shooting range following shooting range rules

Stay Safe and Skilled: Shooting Range Rules To Follow

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice, gun safety is paramount when operating a firearm. The rules of gun safety apply not only to real-life shooting situations, but also at the shooting range when practicing.

woman shooting at rifle range

Shooting range rules are instituted to ensure everyone’s safety, including the shooter and those around them. If these rules are not followed, there could be disastrous, and even fatal, consequences.

Shooting Range Rules You Should Know

There is more to shooting at a range than just knowing the the inner workings of a rifle, revolver or glock and whether it’s comfortable and accurate to shoot.

There are some fundamental firearm safety rules when visiting a shooting range. It’s your job to become familiar with them, as well as the others mandated by your local shooting range.

#1. Keep the Gun Pointed in a Safe Direction

This is a fundamental rule, yet some gun owners simply ignore it when on the shooting range. 

So, we’ll say it again… Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction!

shooting pistol at range

American Rifleman advises a safe direction would be pointing the gun towards the ground and away from yourself and others. Here’s where situational awareness takes precedence. Before even handling your firearm, consider the environment, because things can become complicated at an indoor or outdoor range. Once again, ask for assistance if unsure of a safe direction.

Note: Some ranges have rules on transporting weapons. Familiarize yourself with it so as not to contravene the regulations and your safety.

#2.  Treat All Firearms as if They Are Loaded

Don’t ever assume a gun is not loaded. Instead, treat every firearm as if it is loaded. It’s your responsibility to inspect the firearm while it’s your possession.

handgun on display

Most novices will try to work out a gun they’re unfamiliar with. Don’t attempt to do this.  If you’re unsure how to handle the gun, ask for assistance from staff members. Let them demonstrate the safe and correct use. 

#3. Trigger Discipline

This is an acquired skill that’s best taught in the shooting range

Trigger discipline is a state of mind. The shooter keeps their finger outside the trigger guard until ready to fire.

Practicing trigger discipline is one of the four essential rules of safe gun handling, advises the USCCA.

marine practicing trigger discipline

Your finger stays straight and alongside the gun frame when picking up, loading, reloading, and fixing malfunctions of a firearm. Only when you are ready to shoot can you move your finger from the indexed position.

#4. Be Sure of Your Target

Know exactly where you’re going to be shooting. With your target clearly in sight, only pull the trigger once you are confident the intended strike will not harm anyone or anything beyond the target.

best rifle caliber ammo

#5. Adhere to Commands by Shooting Range Staff

Range workers are versed in weapons and their safe use. Their job is to ensure everyone has a safe experience. So, listen to range instructors at all times to avoid breaking any rules.

Remember the golden rule: Their range, their laws. If they say you’ve compromised your safety and that of others, you could receive a ban or be asked to leave. When in doubt, ask for assistance.

Bonus Info On Gun Selection For The Range

When people get into learning about firearms and shooting, they often want to know what gun they should shoot. One recommendation can be the 2011 pistol. The Staccato 2011 is considered by many to be the most reliable 2011 pistol, as it’s known to be durable, reliable, and accurate, and is used by hundreds of law enforcement agencies in the U.S.

The gun’s popularity has increased in recent years, thanks in part to its role in the John Wick film series. The titular character Wick wields a heavily customized pistol in most scenes.

Ergonomics, increased capacity and less recoil make the 2011 a preferred choice for many gun owners, says Xtreme Guns & Ammo.

Final Thoughts On Shooting Range Rules

Gun ownership isn’t just about wanting to carry guns.

gun shooting bullet

Take the time to review your local shooting range’s rules and remember to always point your gun in a safe direction, treat every firearm as if it’s loaded, practice trigger discipline, be sure of your target, and adhere to all commands by instructors and staff.

Safe shooting!


various bullet ammo types

Different Types Of Ammunition — Here’s Everything You Need To  Know

Unless you’re an expert in firearms, it’s very likely that you’ll get overwhelmed by the numerous ammunition types out there. 

But don’t worry, that’s what we’re about to help you understand in this article. Herein, we’ll provide in-depth knowledge on the diverse ammunition types we have out there, so let’s dig in. 

Introduction to Ammunition

rifle calibers

Now, when speaking of ammunition, or “ammo,”  what we’re basically referring to is the entire package of elements that come alongside a firearm. 

Usually, ammo is made up of the following: 

  • Case
  • Pimer
  • Propellant (or powder)
  • Projectile.

But in the case of shotshells (more on this to come later), an additional component known as the ‘wad’ also forms part of the package.

Understanding Basic Ammunition Types

Ammo can all be grouped into 3 basic types:

Shotgun Ammunition

Shotgun ammunition is basically what is used for hunting and sport shooting. In the case of shotguns, they’re specifically known as shotshells.

Shotshells come in 3 types:

  • Birdshot
  • Buckshot
  • Slugs

Birdshot and buckshot come in the form of small metallic pellets and you find multiple of them in shotshells. But, before you find a gun shop to buy either, it’s worth noting that the former has a smaller diameter (or gauge) than the latter, meaning that shotshells loaded with birdshot will have more pellets than ones featuring buckshot.

buckshot shell with shot coming out

Slugs, unlike birdshot and buckshot on the other hand, are a joint solid projectile. They are mostly used for hunting large animals, just like buckshot, but you’ll only need a single slug to accomplish what would otherwise require more buckshot.

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Handgun And Rifle Ammunition

When we talk about rifle and handgun ammunitions, they can be categorized into 3 categories:

  • Rimfire
  • Centerfire
  • Caseless

Rimfire and centerfire ammunitions are pretty much straightforward; the difference is basically the position you find the primer within the cartridge case (the primer is the explosive substance that will ignite the powder within the ammo to ignite the powder).

ammo bullets

When speaking of rimfire ammo, you will find the primer at the cartridge’s bottom, sometimes called the rim. That means guns using this ammo have their firing pins designed so that they strike the cartridge’s outside edge.

Centerfire ammunition, on the other side, has the primer at the central part of the gun’s cartridge, just as the name suggests. That means in this instance, the pin works by striking the cartridge’s middle part, as opposed to the outside edge in its rimfire counterpart.

Caseless ammo, as the name suggests, totally eliminates the need for a separate case. In this case, the primer is actually integrated into the propellant itself and contains enough energy to propel the bullet off the barrel.

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02/16/2025 06:49 am GMT

Bullet Types 

handgun with ammo

So, is a “bullet” any different from what we’ve already discussed?

Absolutely — because bullets and ammunition are 2 different things!

You see, when we talk of a bullet, we refer to the actual projectile that is propelled from a firearm.

Ammo, on the other hand, as we’ve already established, comprises many components among which the bullet is a member. So, while every ammo has a bullet, the reverse isn’t true.

With that said, let’s get back to our main focus and examine bullet types. Let’s examine some of the common ones:

1. Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)

FMJ bullets are the most common bullet type, and that’s because they’re so cheap.

full metal jacket bullet

Full metal jackets aren’t as super accurate compared to some other more expensive kinds, but again that can depend on the gun you’re using and the skill of the user. You may also want to go for a boat tail variant if you want a greater degree of accuracy

boat tail bullet

2. Hollow Point

Hollow point bullets are exactly what their other name suggests: bullets designed with a hollow point and often preferred for self-defense and hunting. 

pistol with bullets on table

While the FMJ bullets are more likely to penetrate the target and hit the next object in their trajectory, hollow points will mostly stop upon impact and deliver all their energy to the target. This type usually has a cavity at the tip of the bullet to make it expand upon impact.

3. Soft Point

soft point bullet

The penetration of soft point bullets can’t match that of FMJ, and neither can their expansion beat that of hollow points. Think of them as bullets that perfectly balance penetration and expansion.

4. Ballistic Tip

Unlike other bullet types, the ballistic variety comes with a plastic or polymer tip at the front end of the bullet. This tip is incorporated for aerodynamic purposes, so the bullet remains airborne for longer. 

ballistic tip bullet

The jacket of a ballistic tip bullet is heavier than that of some other bullet types; a feature that helps minimize expansion and maximize the penetrability of the bullet. Choose these if you’re looking for bullets that can do well in hunting small to medium game, and sometimes even large game depending on where you want to shoot

5. Open Tip Match (OTM)

The Open Tip Match (OTM) bullet type is often preferred for long-range shooting and target competitions. 

Measuring from tip to tail, you will also notice that OTM bullets are longer than most others, a feature that further enhances their aerodynamic traits.

The OTM bullet, however, doesn’t pay much attention to other aspects such as weight retention, penetration, and ability to kill game, so they don’t make great options for hunting deer and other big game.

6. Frangible Bullets

Frangible bullets differ from other types in that they’re designed to disintegrate to dust upon hitting a harder metal target like steel. 

frangible bullets

The ability to disintegrate once hitting the target keeps them from penetrating an object, so they won’t hit another close-by object like most penetrative bullets. 

Plus, since they don’t penetrate the target, frangible bullets won’t cause significant wear and tear on your bullet trap or target, making them ideal for training. Using this type, you can even walk on your target without the fear of catching jacketing. 

But on the negative side, because of the composite nature of these jacket-less bullets, any surface tension cracks can make the bullet disintegrate immediately after leaving the barrel. But, as long as a bullet is up to par, it should do the work well as long as it’s deployed under the right circumstances.

Calibers In Ammunitions

barrel of a handgun

Usually, the caliber of ammunition is expressed in millimeters or hundredths of an inch, but sometimes it can even be expressed in thousandths of an inch. There are a wide range of calibers, but in most cases, the caliber size is denoted using a decimal point followed by 2 numbers. 

For instance, you may encounter something like 0.45, usually at the barrel or side of the receiver. What that means is that the caliber is 0.45 of an inch, but the decimal point is usually dropped when pronouncing it. That means still referring to our example, you’d pronounce it as 45 caliber, and you’ll still be referring to the diameter of the barrel. 

Ammo Types Final Thoughts

Ammunition is a crucial part of firearms, and understanding them is important for any gun owner. In other words, if you’re a first time gun buyer, before you walk into a gun store looking for the best gun for the money, spare time and effort and get to know the different ammunition types out there and their purposes. 

Garnering this knowledge will help you determine what works best for your applications and what doesn’t. 

Of course, also remember to acquaint yourself with knowledge of the calibers and gauges there are out there. This helps you understand which type of ammunition goes with your firearm.

Safe shooting!