
N1 Outdoors® Cutt’N Up Turkey shirt


The N1 Outdoors® Cutt’N Up Turkey tee 

Fabric: Heather brown or heather charcoal available. Heather brown is 65% polyester and 35% ring-spun cotton. Heather charcoal is 50% ring-spun cotton and 50% polyester.

Also, check out THIS turkey hunting tee!

SKU: CUTTN-UP-TURKEY-TEE Categories: , ,


The N1 Outdoors® Cutt’N Up Turkey shirt is our salute to those who chase these beautiful creatures. Whether you are a hunter that seeks a grand slam or just enjoys the occasional turkey hunt, this design will allow you to wear your passion year-round. 

The Story behind the Cutt’N Up turkey shirt design

At N1 Outdoors® we enjoy all types of hunting, fishing and outdoors activities. We knew we needed a great turkey hunting shirt design to add to our growing portfolio of outdoor tshirt designs. But, how would we do something that was unique and not done before?

The N1 branding

The process for this design really started with the branding. We like for “N1” or the letter “N” to be an integral part of every design we create. So, we began to brainstorm on how we could incorporate those items into this turkey hunting shirt. 

Excited about turkey hunting

At N1 Outdoors®, We get excited about turkey hunting. Well, turkeys can get excited too! So, what better turkey vocalization to incorporate into our design than the cutt call? Much like the Hide ‘N Seek Buck tee and the Just Pass’N Through tee, this design centered around a well-known phrase… “cutting up.” The word “cutting” would lend itself well to the branding component of N1 if we spelled “cutting” as “cutt’N!”

Different types of turkey cutt calls

There are several types of turkey calls that can be used to produce the cutt call. Each hunter has their own preference. So, we incorporated the box call, slate call and mouth call into this design. 

The clever component

We like all of our designs to have that special something that separates us from other hunting and fishing apparel companies. It can be the difference between a “good” design and one that makes you say “wow!” So, in this design we wanted to say turkey hunting in a “different” way. We accomplished this by having the turkey calls cast the shadow of a tom and two hens.

Final N1 branding touches

Our customers are excited about the N1 brand. So, we added the popular N1 logo to the the box call and slate call, as well as the shotgun shells.

Read our blog for great turkey hunting stories, as well as information on the NWTF. You can also read about our other hunting and fishing shirt designs.

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