The Bowhunter’s Anthem | The Struggle Is Real!

If you’ve bowhunted long enough, you’ve certainly experienced your share of frustration and heartbreak.

We wanted to see if we could capture some of those feelings in our music video, The Bowhunter’s Anthem.

We hope you enjoy!

The Bowhunter’s Anthem Music Video

If you bowhunt, you understand!

Bowhunter’s Anthem Lyrics

You’re counting down the days until the Fall

You got big plans to hang a big buck on your wall

Trailcam pics have got your blood a pumpin’

for bowhuntin’

Vacation days are all reserved

You’ll be all smiles when you get back to work

‘Cause you told them all your big success is comin’


The bow is tuned

Your arrows wrapped

You’re shootin every day out back

There’s no doubt this is gonna be your year

So, you draw up your plan of attack

Then the wind direction stabs you in the back

and you get busted texting her sweet somethings


Late October you get another crack

You let one fly and it sails over his back

And you think, “man, I shoulda stayed home carvin’ pumpkins

Instead of bowhuntin’”

And you call all your huntin’ friends

‘Cause no one else would understand

The kind of pain that eats you up inside

Then you sell everything you own

to buy yourself a brand new bow

And pray that he’ll just walk by one more time

Then he’ll bed down when you think he should be ruttin’…

It breaks your heart

But man there just ain’t nothing…

Like bowhuntin’

You’re counting down the days until next Fall…

© 2022 Giles Canter / N1 Outdoors®

FOC calculator header image

FOC Calculator | Easily find Front-Of-Center of your hunting arrows

If you already know the length and balancing point of your arrow, you can use the FOC Calculator below to quickly find the % of your arrow’s weight that is Front-Of-Center! (enter a number or slide the orange dots to the desired number)

FOC (Front Of Center) | Calculator
Arrow length from end of arrow shaft to the bottom of the nock groove (L)
Distance from balance point to the bottom of the nock groove (A)
FOC (Front Of Center):

0 %

You may have heard other bowhunters talk about the “FOC” of their hunting arrows. (Who knows, you may have even heard “The Ranch Fairy” ranting about high FOC).

But, what does “FOC” mean and how can you easily calculate it?

Nockturnal Fit Universal Size Green Lighted Arrow Archery Nocks, 3 Pack, Model:NT-305
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03/04/2025 06:53 am GMT

What does FOC stand for?

“FOC” stands for Front-Of-Center (Or Forward-Of-Center) and refers to the percentage of an arrow’s overall weight that is forward of the balancing point, or, “center” of the arrow.

How to calculate FOC using a formula

You might like the FOC calculator but also want to learn how to calculate FOC using a formula.

The formula to calculate an arrow’s FOC is:

100 x (Balance Point measurement [A] – Arrow Length [L]) / 2.

To use this formula, you will first need to measure the arrow’s overall length as well as finding the balance point measurement.

foc equation graphic
Once you have found the arrow length (A) and balance point (B) measurements, use the formula above to find the FOC of your hunting arrow.

Finding the arrow’s length

To find your arrow’s length for the purposes of calculating FOC, you need to be sure you measure correctly.

Measure your arrow from the end of the arrow (where the broadhead/point screws in) to the bottom of the throat of the nock (see diagram above).

Once you have your arrow length measurement, you need to measure the balancing point…

Pine Ridge Archery The Arrow Inspector, Black
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03/04/2025 05:33 am GMT

How to find the “balance point” of an arrow

To find the balance point of your hunting arrow, first be sure you have already installed your nocks, vanes, inserts and broadheads/points onto your arrow.

balance point FOC diagram
To calculate FOC, you first need to find the “balance point” of your hunting arrow.

Using a triangular block of wood, find the exact place that your arrow balances perfectly. (If you don’t have a triangular block, you can also balance the arrow on your finger).

Once you have found the balance point of your arrow, measure from that point to the throat of your nock. This will be your balance point measurement.


Once you have measured your arrow’s length and balancing point, you can use the formula provided in the diagram above to calculate the FOC of your arrow.

Certainly bowhunters want to be the best they can be so that they can get an ethical kill. But, when it comes to FOC, there are varying opinions on whether higher or lower FOC is better.

Some bowhunters want a lighter overall arrow weight, so that the arrow is as fast as possible. The intent is often to keep the deer or other game from “ducking the string.”

The desire for a lighter arrow is often why some hunters don’t want a “higher FOC” arrow (since adding more weight to the front of the same arrow, with inserts or heavier broadheads would increase FOC, but also slow the arrow down.)

tuffhead broadheads

Consider heavier broadheads and/or inserts when seeking a higher FOC. An arrow with an FOC of 8-12% FOC could be considered “normal,” while a “high FOC” arrow would start around 15% and can go up to even 30%.

Others want an arrow that has a higher FOC %, (you may have seen The Ranch Fairy discuss this) so that the arrow hits the animal with a heavier impact. This can increase the odds of a “pass-through” shot. It can also help increase the chances of a mortal wound in the event you encounter bone or other stiff tissue that might impede the arrow’s progress.

Hopefully you find our FOC calculator helpful and we hope you have an arrow that’s Just Pass’N Through!

coleman sun dome 4p tent review header image

Coleman Sun Dome Tent Review [Dark Room Technology… Wait, What?]

When it comes to camping, Coleman is certainly a household name. They make everything from coolers, to grills, to lanterns, and of course tents.

We wanted to take a peek at a household tent name within the Coleman line.

sun dome 4p tent box front

We wanted to check out one of their most popular offerings… the Sun Dome tent!

coleman sun dome 4p tent parts

Here are the components of the Sun Dome 4p tent from Coleman. Pretty simple setup!

Features of the Coleman Sun Dome Tent

coleman sun dome 4p tent box back

The Coleman Sun Dome tent has several advertised features… let’s take a look!

Below are some of the features of the Sun Dome 4P tent from Coleman:

  • Dome tent with a sturdy frame that can withstand winds of up to 35 miles per hour
  • Darkroom Technology, blocking 90% of sun’s light
  • The Sun Dome 4p sleeps up to 4 people
  • Measures 9 ft x 7 ft and has a center height of 4 ft 11 inches
  • Very easy setup, at only 10-15 minutes
  • A great tent for backpacking, as it folds up and packs away into a small carrying bag.
  • Weathertec system with patented welded floors and inverted seams to keep you dry
  • Large windows and a ground vent for superior ventilation
  • Measures 7 x 5 feet with 4-foot center height
  • An “E-Port” that makes it easy to bring in electrical power inside the tent
  • Average Price $125-$140
  • Comes with a 1-year limited warranty

Coleman Sun Dome 4p Tent Setup

coleman sund dome 4p tent two-pole setup

Setup was not difficult to figure out, with the tent only needing to be staked down and the two poles inserted.

Coleman Sun Dome 4P Tent 10-15 min setup time

It took about 10-15 minutes (without reading directions) to set up the Sun Dome 4P tent.

coleman sundome 4p tent side view

The weather dome cover was very easy to install, using only one short pole and some tie downs.

“Darkroom Technology” Inside A Tent Box?

coleman sun dome 4p tent box darkroom technology

One of the features we were most interested in was the “Darkroom Technology,” which Coleman advertises as blocking 90% of the sun, so you can sleep better once the sun comes up, or even go to bed early!

coleman sun dome 4p tent front tent logo

We headed inside the tent to see what this “darkroom technology” was all about…

sun dome 4p tent light coming through

The tent material did block a lot of the sunlight, with the mesh screen being where most of the light seemed to be coming in.

Check out our YouTube video of setting up the Coleman Sun Dome 4p tent!

Final Thoughts on the Coleman Sun Dome 4p Tent with Darkroom Technology

We picked an extremely hot and sunny day to set up the Coleman Sun Dome 4p tent. However, that turned out to be perfect, because we were able to get a good feel for how much light and heat the Darkroom Technology blocks.

Well, it was still really hot inside the tent. And, while we didn’t have any kind of light meter to test the light level, it was in fact significantly darker inside the tent.

coleman sun dome 4p tent pack

The Sun Dome 4p tent folded up nice and neat and went right back into the small carrying bag fairly easily!

All in all, the Sun Dome 4p tent seems like a great tent for the money!

Happy camping!