how to tie the trilene knot

Be A Fishing Knot Maestro! | How To Tie The Trilene Knot

The Trilene knot, which is sometimes called the “Two-Turn Clinch Knot,” is a very strong fishing knot that every angler should know. Let’s show you how step-by-step!

trilene knot finished

Want to learn this strong fishing knot called the Trilene Knot? Well, let’s get started!

Time needed: 1 minute

How to tie the Trilene Knot

  1. Insert tag end of line through hook eye.

    Insert line through hook eye, leaving about 8 inches to work with.

    trilene knot insert line into hook eye

  2. Insert tag end through the hook eye a SECOND time.

    Insert the line through the eye of the hook a second time, making a loop.

    trilene knot Insert into hook eye second time

  3. Pull tag end to make loop smaller.

    Pull the tag end of the line until the loop shrinks down to the top of your thumb and hold the loop in that position.

    trilene knot pull line to thumb

  4. Wrap tag end line around main line.

    Wrap the tag end of the line around the main line 5-8 times.

    trilene knot wrap line around 5-8 times

  5. Insert tag end through both loops.

    After wrapping the tag end around the main line, take the tag end and insert it through both loops that you have been holding with your other hand.

    trilene knot insert tag end through both loops

  6. Lubricate and cinch down.

    Lubricate the knot area with water or saliva and while holding the tag end, pull the main line to cinch down the knot.

    trilene knot pull line to cinch knot

  7. Trim tag end.

    Trim the tag end of the line to desired length… and you’re done! You’ve just tied the Trilene knot! We hope you put a hook N1!

    trilene knot trim tag end

May all your Trilene knots yield big fish!

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You can check out the Trilene Knot Instructional video here!

Other fishing knots you should know:

Learn to tie the Uni-knot

Learn to tie the Palomar knot

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03/03/2025 05:20 am GMT

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