How To Tie The Uni-Knot or Hangman’s knot [You can do it!]

How To Tie The Uni Knot

The Uni-knot is a very versatile and strong fishing knot. This knot is great for many fishing scenarios. You can use it for line to leader combinations as well.

Step-by-step instructions are below. But first, this diagram may help!

How to tie the uni knot for fishing illustration
The Uni Knot in 60 seconds!

More step-by-step uni knot instructions below!

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03/28/2025 08:08 am GMT

The Uni Knot [Hangmans Knot] | Step-By-Step Instructions

Check out these step-by-step instructions below to learn how to tie the Uni-Knot!

Time needed: 1 minute

Instructions for how to tie the Uni Knot

  1. Thread line through eye of hook or lure.

    threading eye of uni knot hook

  2. Grab the “tag end” of the line (the end NOT connected to your spool).

    grabbing tag end of uni knot

  3. Make a loop with the tag end of the line.

    looping tag end of uni knot

  4. Pinch the top of the loop you just made against the line with your index finger.

    holding uni knot loop end against line

  5. Loop the tag end of the line inside and around the top of the loop 5 times.

    loop the tag end 5 times

  6. Slowly pull the tag end away from the hook/lure.

    pulling tag end of uni knot

  7. Trim the tag end of the line. FINISHED! You have completed the Uni-Knot!

    trimming tag end of uni knot

We know many of you enjoy learning how to tie different types of fishing knots. You may have watched some of our other videos on how to tie the palomar knot, or double palomar knot. Check out the video below on how to tie the one of the most versatile fishing knots… The Uni Knot!

So, grab a rod, tie on your favorite fishing lure with a uni knot, and Put A Hook N1!

Be sure to check our Put A Hook N1 fishing shirt designs!

Learn these other fishing knots:

Trilene knot tutorial

Palomar knot tutorial

How to customize a boring fishing rod!

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