e-bike vs regular bike

E-Bikes vs. Regular Bikes: What’s The Difference And Which Is Better?

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Are you planning to buy a bike? When purchasing a new bike, you’ll have two main categories to choose from: an electric bike or a regular bike.

An electric bike, also known as an e-bike, works similarly to a motorcycle, but it doesn’t run on gas. Instead, as the name suggests, its primary power source is electricity, which makes it more sustainable and eco-friendly.

rambo electric hunting bike

So, what’s the difference between an electric bike like this and a regular bike? Well, keep reading!

On the other hand, a regular bike is the traditional pedal-assisted bike that has been rolling on for a couple of centuries. It has two built-in pedals that require continuous forward rotation to move. It’s popular for use in fitness goals, sporting events, and recreational riding.

Price is not the only factor to consider when choosing between a regular bike and an e-bike. This article will guide you to help you decide which bike is better for you and your riding purposes. 

When choosing between an electric or regular pedal-assisted bike, price is probably one of the first things you’ll consider.

Electric bikes are more expensive than regular bikes, but that doesn’t mean you have to be rich to pay for them. You can check out out your local bike stores for an affordable electric bike fit for your budget.

What Are The Differences Between Electric Bikes And Regular Bikes?

Aside from the price, there are many things you should consider before deciding which one is better. We’ll cover these below…

Bike Parts

The most common difference you’ll probably notice between an electric and regular bike is their parts and mechanisms.

Unlike regular bikes, electric bikes have more complex parts and features, including a motor, battery, controls, sensors, and display.

  • Motor: This part provides additional power to boost your pedaling.
  • Battery: This is the main power source of an electric bike. If it drains, its features won’t work. Luckily, it’s easy to charge. All you need to do is remove the battery from its casing and charge it using the socket.
  • Controls: These may include small buttons usually found on the handlebars that enable you to adjust your bike’s power levels and functions.
  • Sensors: These provide instructions to the motor if you need assistance when pedaling.
  • Display: This shows important details regarding your electric bike, including the battery levels, distance traveled, speed, etc.  
buzz centris electronic controller

An example of an e-bike display.

buzz centris thumb throttle

An example of an e-bike thumb throttle.

buzz centris rear hub motor

An example of an e-bike hub motor.

Some parts and features may be different, depending on the brand and type of electric bike you choose. For example, on some advanced electric bikes, the controls can be integrated into the display bar.

Bike Maintenance And Repairs

Some of the maintenance and repairs that may apply to e-bikes is the same for traditional bikes. Components such as handlebars, body, chains, wheels, bike seat, and brakes tend to be similar, if not the same on both electric bicycles and traditional bikes. Also, the cost of maintaining and repairing these parts may be the same.

bicycle chain

Certain components of both e-bikes and regular bikes are similar or the same, such as the chain.

However, when it comes to maintenance and repairs, an electric bike may yield more issues than a regular bike. It has multiple mechanisms and complex components needed to maintain and repair (if necessary), unlike most traditional bikes. 

bike handlebars

While items such as handlebars are similar and fairly easy to maintain and repair on both e-bikes and regular bikes, screen displays and other electronic components can be costly to replace/repair and may require the expertise of a professional.

If there’s something wrong with the electric motor system of your e-bike, you’ll need a professional e-bike specialist to fix the damage, which can be expensive. But, as long as you take good care of an electric bike, you’ll be able to prevent most of these types of headaches.

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03/05/2025 03:32 am GMT

Riding Experience

Now, you may be wondering, how is riding an electric bike different from a regular bike, and how does it feel?

Well, using an electric bike is almost the same as your ordinary bike. However, many believe that it’s more fun to ride one than any other bike and that fun starts when you get that pedal moving!

man riding e-bike

Pedaling is the same on an e-bike as on a traditional bike… just much easier!

When you start pedaling an e-bike, the sensors and motor system will begin functioning. At first, you wouldn’t notice any change until everything seems to become a bit relaxed.

Also, electric bikes don’t change how biking works. Instead, it makes the process of pedaling much easier to perform. 

An electric bike allows you to move along without exerting much effort and force on the pedals. This limits the amount of exertion needed to get to your destination. You’ll be able to reach the tops of the hills without feeling excessively tired, exhausted, or out of breath.

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03/05/2025 05:53 am GMT

man on electric bike on mountain top

The pedal assistance provided by electric bikes reduces the amount of exertion it can take to reach your destination.

Electric bikes also have adjustable pedal assistance. If you change the support to low, pedaling may require more effort. It’ll be more tiring and exhausting than usual. But if you set the settings to maximum, the pedaling will be much quicker and easier, and you’ll never be tired.


Because of the e-bikes’ powerful pedal assistance, does it mean that they can go much faster you’re your traditional bikes? The answer depends on the type of electric bike you’ll use. 

The average maximum speed of most electric bikes is 25 km per hour (15.5 mi per hour).

man riding e-bike in sand

The top speed of an e-bike is dependent on motor power, rider weight and riding surface.

Some electric bikes, depending on the makeup and steepness of the riding surface, can reach speeds of 20+ MPH.

Going faster than this on most e-bikes will make the internal motor system stop functioning, and you’ll have no choice but to rely on pedaling alone to make it run. But, it doesn’t mean it’s broken.

The electric motor system of an e-bike is programmed to stop once it senses that you’re going too fast.

Nevertheless, an electric bike may provide more speed in normal circumstances, such as riding a bike to work or for leisure and quality time. Also, it helps you get back to your speed once you stop, making your travel time shorter.

Which Is Better? E-Bike or Regular Bike?

The better option between electric and regular bikes is the one that suits your needs most.

If you plan on using a bike for your daily work commute, an electric bike may be the better option. With its pedal assistance, you’ll be able to maintain a constant speed even after making numerous brakes and stops. 

man on mountain with bike

If you’re looking for higher intensity riding and typically a lower price tag, a regular bike will be the way to go.

But, if your goal is to pump your adrenaline and get a good work out, a regular bike may be best for you. It doesn’t have any support and will only rely on pure pedal power to work, which means you’ll be working harder. 

Also, if you’re tight on budget, it’d be best to go for a regular bike instead. It doesn’t have an electrical system, which may help you save tons of money in the long run. And you can likely make basic repairs yourself without the need for a professional bike specialist.

Final Thoughts On E-Bikes vs. Regular Bikes

When choosing a bike, you’re often left with two options; electric and regular bikes.

As mentioned above, the right choice highly depends on your needs. If you don’t have to enter or participate in any fitness event, an electric bike may be a good option.

If fitness is your primary objective, a regular bike might be the best choice.

Regardless of which one you choose, get out there and bike and enjoy creation!

man skiing in snow with hunting gun

Don’t Let The Cold Win! | How To Layer Clothing For Winter

There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing for the conditions.

While you might think you only need a warm jacket when venturing into the great outdoors to go hunting or fishing during the cooler months, there can be much more involved in keeping yourself warm and comfortable. 

man drilling hole for ice fishing

Hunting, fishing or camping in the cold weather requires a knowledge of how to best layer clothing so that you can stay warm.

When the time comes to plan your next hunting trip into the wilderness, take a moment to consider the following information, so that you can learn all about how to layer winter clothing to feel comfortable enough to explore all that nature has to offer. 

How to Remain Warm in the Great Outdoors

When you put on warm clothing to head outside, your goal should always be to manage moisture, maintain your heat level for comfort, and create a barrier between the elements and your skin. 

man walking to box stand in snow

You might enjoy being alone in the outdoors… you just don’t want to be COLD and alone!

Not all cold-winter clothing is created equal. So, purchasing high-quality outdoor garments from well-known companies like Kryptek and others is a critical component of remaining warm in the great outdoors, but it’s also helpful to understand the science behind retaining your body heat to know how to wear your clothing appropriately. 

mule deer standing in the snow

You may not have the anatomy of a deer to keep you warm in cold conditions, but you can learn to layer clothing in a manner that protects you from the elements.

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03/05/2025 07:38 am GMT

During winter, you’re often faced with many challenging elements, such as wind, rain, and cold temperatures. Heat is easily transferred from your body into the environment, and it’s easier to lose heat than it is to retain it. 

So, whether you’re ice fishing or hunting, you need to have knowledge of how sweat affects your body and heat levels. Body heat can be pulled away from your body much faster when it’s wet with perspiration than if it were dry. 

Prevent Moisture to Stay Warm

One of the best ways to stay warm, regardless of how you layer your clothing, is by being cold before you begin your hunting trip in earnest. If you add all your winter layers and then stand in front of a heater before venturing outside, you might start sweating and lose much-needed body heat.   


Moisture is the enemy when it comes to staying warm in colder weather, as it robs you of body heat.

So, as challenging as it might be to immediately venture outside to start hiking once you’ve put on your multiple layers, it can be essential for giving your body the best chance of retaining its heat. 

First Lite Men's Kiln Hoody - Merino Wool Midweight Hunting Base Layer - Conifer - Medium
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03/05/2025 07:19 am GMT

Layer Your Winter Hunting Clothing Strategically

When you’re trying to dress warmly in cold weather, it can sometimes feel like you have to pack an entire closet full of clothing when you go on a winter hunting adventure or that you have to wear multiple layers until you’re no longer comfortable.

However, if you apply the right layering strategy, you might be surprised at how easy it can be to prepare for an outdoor trip

Before heading out, read up on the weather conditions you can expect. This allows you to take all necessary precautions with supplies and provides insight into the type of clothing you need to take with you and what to wear when you set off. 

You’ll need to continually layer up and down on most hunting trips. Take note of how your body is feeling, and when you’re feeling too warm, take off a layer before you start sweating. 

If weather conditions change and rain or snow sets in, you can add more layers from your hunting backpack, including a waterproof jacket to keep your mid layers warm and retain your body heat. Weather conditions can change rapidly, so you may be layering up and down throughout your hunting trip. 

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03/05/2025 05:43 am GMT

Adopt the W.I.S.E System

If you’re new to hunting, it may not be immediately apparent which clothing you should buy to remain warm, dry, and comfortable.

However, you might have a much easier shopping experience when you familiarize yourself with the W.I.S.E system. This system involves:

  • Wicking – Next-to-skin base layers
  • Insulating – Mid layers, such as fleece or a down jacket
  • Sheltering – Rain jacket and rain pants
  • Extra – Additional layers in case of an emergency, such as an unexpected snowstorm  
layering WISE system

The W.I.S.E system will give you a fundamental understanding of the basic garments to purchase, but don’t forget to buy wool socks, waterproof boots, hats, and gloves. 

Choose Your Base Layer

Now that you’re aware of the garments you require for the W.I.S.E system, you can learn more about each layer and how it contributes to your overall warmth, dryness, and comfort.

A base layer is a snug-fitting set of garments designed to wick sweat away from your skin to keep you dry. 

base layer

When choosing a base layer, go with wool, silk or synthetics, rather than cotton (photo credit: Wikihow.com)

While cotton can be a preference for everyday wear, it’s less suitable for outdoor activities like hunting.

Instead, opt for base layers featuring wool, silk, or synthetic fabrics. Your top base layer can be a long or short-sleeve shirt and leggings with these materials, paired with a high-quality pair of synthetic or wool socks. 

Choose Your Insulating Layer

Equally as important as your base layer is your insulating layer. This layer prevents the outdoor environment from taking your much-needed body heat.

insualting layer

The insulating layer will help maintain valuable body heat while in the cold weather. (photo credit Wikihow.com)

Typically, you would wear a wool or microfleece top, a puffer jacket, and fleece leggings. You can also pair your insulating layer with a wool or fleece hat and neck gaiter, glove liners, and insulating socks. 

Choose Your Sheltering Layer

If you are going on a hunting or fishing trip, you certainly like to see favorable weather conditions. However, weather conditions can certainly change, and sometimes rapidly.

sheltering layer

Wearing a sheltering layer is critical in protecting the insulating layer underneath. (photo credit: Wikihow.com)

You might be caught out in the rain or snow when you least expect it, and you need to protect your insulating layer at all costs.

Pack a sheltering layer, and you can be prepared for any eventuality. Typically, this layer consists of a pair of rain pants and a rain jacket, both of which need to be waterproof to remain effective. 

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03/05/2025 06:43 am GMT

Best Materials for Winter Outdoor Clothing

When there are so many different types of outdoor and hunting clothing for sale, it can be hard to know what will be the most comfortable and practical. While there are many desirable options, some stand out more than others. 

For example, merino wool, a natural fiber sourced from sheep, is a moisture-wicking base layer that is odor-resistant and temperature regulating.

snow on evergreen trees

When adventuring outdoors in colder weather, merino wool is a great moisture wicking base layer that is also odor resistant.

You might also consider synthetic fleece as a mid layer option, which is both affordable and warm. Although, it’s not an ideal wind-resistant layer. 

Synthetic and down jackets can be an effective insulating mid layer, while nylon is ideal for keeping you dry. Some manufacturers create special membranes for nylon to form waterproof jackets for winter use. 

Final Thoughts On Layer Clothing For Cold Weather

Layering winter clothing is an integral part of preparing for any outdoor adventure or hunting trip.

so, before you begin planning your next trip, take the time to make sure you’ve got a full closet of winter options to keep you warm, dry, and protected from the elements.

Remember the W.I.S.E. system and have fun outdoors!

wild turkey gobbler

Beards, Feathers and Snoods, Oh My! | Anatomy Of A Turkey

The wild turkey is a complex creature and has some anatomical features that are pretty peculiar. Many hunters may not know what some of these features are and how they help a turkey survive in nature.

So, let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of the wild turkey.


If you are an avid turkey hunter, you are likely aware that this bird sports some powerful eyesight and can detect a turkey hunter with ease if they are not properly concealed and camouflaged.

Unlike us human hunters, the wild turkey possesses monocular periscope vision.

turkey eye

Turkeys have powerful eyesight, nearly a 360-degree field of vision, and each eye can move independently of the other.

Monocular periscope vision allows the eyes of the turkey to act independently from one another, allowing them to scan for potential threats in two different directions simultaneously.

Turkeys also have eyes situated on the sides of their head and not in a forward-facing direction. The positioning of the eyes and the independent operation they are capable of means that turkeys have nearly 360 degrees of viewing range.

turkey eyes and ears diagram

The ears of a turkey are located right behind the eyes.

The eyes being able to scan so much of the immediate area around them means they can pick up the slightest movements with ease and is one of the reasons they are so challenging to hunt.


Like all birds, the turkey doesn’t have any external ear features, and their ears are essential, just holes in their head directly behind their eyes.

The ears of the turkey feature pinpoint hearing, and if you have ever called in a turkey from a long distance, you will have observed how they can pinpoint the exact location of the sound and track directly to you.

a turkey's ears

Turkey’s have an uncanny ability to judge distance with their ears.

Despite not having external ears that serve as a sort of “radar dish” to detect noises from a wide range of directions like a deer, the turkey has hearing that can easily pinpoint the exact location of noise, and their brains will even register the distance of the sound from the bird.

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03/04/2025 07:33 pm GMT


The snood is an anatomical feature that a turkey possesses that causes most hunters to scratch their heads and ask, “what is that thing for?”

The most noticeable feature which has the fitting name of a snood is the familiar bright red lumpy area located on the throats of male turkeys.

turkey snood

A turkey’s snood helps to regulate body temperature, and in males, help to attract female turkeys (hens).

The snood serves a few different purposes for male turkeys, with the biggest being attraction to the opposite sex, with the bright ornamentation helping attract females for breeding.

This weird anatomical feature also serves another critical role for tom turkeys. It helps dissipate excess heat and helps regulate the bird’s body temperature on those hot summer days.

Head Coloration

The colorations of the head of a male wild turkey are to this day not fully understood, and the colors can change depending on the bird’s mood.

The Coloration of the head can change from blue to white to red, and the bird can do so based on moods like agitation, excitement, irritation, fear, and others.

turkey head coloration

A turkey’s head colors can change, depending on factors like fear, anger and during mating.

When it comes to mating, there will often be a prominent white coloration at the top of the head, and this occurs when a tom is approaching hens or, in many cases, a hunter or decoy that the tom thinks is a hen.


The beard of a tom turkey serves the same purpose as the coloration and snood, to attract hens. The beard of a tom turkey isn’t actually a beard at all but a modified form of a feather.

While males use it to attract hens, hen turkeys are also known to sport a beard, albeit on a rare basis. This has led some experts to not definitely hold the beard as a definitive in terms of its’ role.

turkey gobblers with beards

The beard of a make turkey has a texture similar to a thick monofilament fishing line, and is used to attract hens.

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03/05/2025 04:38 am GMT


One of the anatomical features of a turkey that is a trophy feature among hunters are the spurs.

turkey spurs

A turkey grows spurs on the back of each leg near the foot, and can be used for defense as well as for fighting.

The spurs serve two primary purposes for a tom turkey; it is the major form of defense for the bird, and hunters try to avoid them when retrieving a recently downed bird for this very reason.

Tom turkeys also use these spurs to fight other toms for the same reasons bucks or rams fight, to establish a hierarchy within the flock, as turkeys are social animals.

Just like the antlers of a buck, the spurs of a tom turkey can cause severe lacerations, cuts, and bruising, so be cautious when approaching a wounded tom.

Tail Feathers

The tail feathers are probably the most prized feature of a tom turkey among hunters, and both hunters and toms love to display them.

turkey tail feathers

A turkey’s tail feathers are the prize possession of turkey hunters.

The tail fan of a turkey serves a few purposes; it makes them look larger when they are fully displayed, which serves as a form of intimidation to other toms when fighting during the mating season and attracts hens.

The large tail feathers also serve as a rudder when flying, helping the bird control their direction of flight and helping them brake and slow down when they come in for a landing or when roosting in the trees at night.

turkey tail feathers rear view

Here’s a look at a turkey’s tail feathers from behind the bird.


Unlike other birds, a turkey will rarely use flight to simply get around due to being a relatively heavy bird and use flight for the purposes of getting up into trees for roosting and back down again.

But don’t be fooled, as a threatened turkey can kick into high gear and escape nearly any potential threat quickly by flying fast and low, albeit in relatively short bursts compared to other birds.

turkey profile shot showing wings

Although turkeys can fly, their wings are used primarily to fly up and down from their roosting locations.

The wings also serve a purpose in establishing dominance in the flock hierarchy, with “wing slapping” being a common way for toms to fight and work their way to the top of the pecking order.

turkey wings

during mating season, a male turkey will often “strut” with it’s tail feathers up and its wings pointed in a downward fashion

Wings also come in handy for dusting, which is when a turkey wallows down into dry dirt and ruffles its feathers to spread a fine powdery coat of dust on itself.

Dust baths keep the feathers of the turkey in optimum condition and are a part of their preening and plumbing maintenance, as the dust absorbs excess oils and moisture.

turkey feather dusting area

A turkey will “dust” its feathers, in an area like this, to keep their wings from being matted and to help prevent parasites and mites.

Dusting keeps the feathers of the bird from becoming matted and greasy and provides clean and aerodynamic feathers for maximum efficiency during flight, and also helps prevent feather mites and parasites.

Final Thoughts On Turkey Anatomy

The turkey is a very intriguing animal and a great resource for hunters.

Understanding details about the animals you pursue in the field will help you become a better hunter and will also give hunters a larger appreciation and understanding of the resources they enjoy.

So, whether you are a turkey hunter of just wanting to learn more about these amazing birds, we hope this article on the anatomy of a turkey helped you understand these amazing birds better!