boat storage outdoors

Boat Storage Ideas | Tips For Any Weather 

Having a boat can be fun and exciting, especially if you think about the vast number of things you can do with it.

Your boat can be a place to host your social gatherings, an avenue to fun and recreational activities for everyone’s enjoyment, or simply serve as a place to relax after a hectic work weekday. 

When it comes to boat care, proper storage should be on top of your priority list. Even if you bring your boat for regular maintenance, if you don’t keep it in its best storage area, you’ll only be exposing it to harmful environmental factors. 

With the benefits that a boat provides for you, as well as the associated cost, it’s only practical if you can take good care of it, so that it’ll last for years.

To help you out, listed below are some boat storage ideas that’ll work well in any kind of weather: 

Outdoor Boat Storage 

When it comes to outdoor storage, you can certainly choose to store it in your yard or nearby open lot. 

However, to help protect your boat from the elements, you should enclose it properly using a boat cover or a durable RV & boat enclosure.

weather port boat storage

A durable boat storage enclosure can help keep your priced watercraft safe from the elements.

An RV and boat enclosure allows you to get the benefits of indoor storage without building a facility.

In addition, they’re also compact and easy to assemble, making the boat storing process a breeze.   

This will ensure that your investment will be safe from harsh weather conditions. 

Indoor Boat Storage 

Of course, if you’re looking for the best and safest way to store your boat in any weather conditions, indoor storage would be the best option.

This way, you can properly enclose your boat, keeping it away from any environmental factors affecting its quality and reliability.

indoor boat storage facility

Storing your boat indoors is optimal, especially for the winter months, however, cost cant be a hindrance, as well as lack of available storage, if renting space.

Finding available rental space for storing your boat indoors can sometimes be a challenge. High cost can also be a hindrance.

Indoor storage on your own property allows you to keep a close eye on your boat and have quick access to it so that you can further protect it when needed, especially during the winter months.

Yet, this might not be everyone’s first choice, especially since it could require a significant amount of space and could be a large expenditure if you have to build a building. And, of course, you may not have this amount of space on your property.  

Boat Storage Facility 

If you’d like to keep your boats indoors but don’t have enough space on your property, you might want to consider renting space at a boat storage facility.

Boat storage facilities allow you to have all the benefits of storing your boat indoors without having to worry about having enough space at your residence.

outdoor boat storage facility

A boat storage facility is a good option, but if there is not one near you, it may be inconvenient to travel just to check on your boat.

The potential downside to using a boat storage facility is that, depending on your location, it could be a long way from your home. So, if it’s a long way from where you live, having to drive long distances to check on your boat could be rather inconvenient.

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03/04/2025 07:38 am GMT

Boat Lift 

If you have your own pier to park your boat, you might want to consider storing your boat on a lift and free yourself from worrying about the storage of your boat elsewhere.

boat lift for storing boat

A boat lift will allow you to store your boat without having to remove it from its waterfront location.

While it might not seem like a bad idea to keep a boat in the water year ’round (it’s made to float in water, right?), it actually can cause slime buildup, staining and other expensive damage caused by the water.

A boat lift allows you to keep your boat where it is located, thus not having to worry about renting a boat storage facility.

But, if you decide to go with a boat lift, you’ll need to be sure you winterproof your boat, including making sure to drain any onboard water as well as ensuring that the proper antifreeze is present in the engine.

If you don’t have time to winterize your own boat, you may want to consider hiring a professional that can winterize the boat for you, saving yourself time time and energy and allowing you to store your boat more easily.  

Tips To Store Your Boat 

You don’t expect everything to be easy peasy when storing your boat. You need to be prepared to encounter plenty of challenges in keeping them safe and secure. Below are some tips to help you. 

  • Book A Full-Service Boat Haul 

Of course, a boat is generally heavy, and storing them can really be tricky. So, as you look to book a boat haul to put your boat out of the water, you might want to consider getting a full service to inspect and ensure that your boat receives any necessary maintenance and repairs, so that your boat will be prepared for winter weather.  

  • Winterize Your Boat 

If you’re storing your boat for the winter after using it for fun activities like fishing, it’s very important that you winterize it to prevent it from getting damaged.

Since winter often involves freezing temperatures, any water can freeze, causing cracks. 

Winterizing your boat means preparing your boat for winter by replacing the engine fuel, draining the water, and protecting internal components.

So, regardless of whether you are going to be storing your boat indoors our outdoors, you should winterproof your boat first!  

  • Remove Your Belongings 

No matter which storage option you choose for your boat, it’s important that you remove your loose items and keep them away from them.

fishing rods in a row

Be sure to remove all items from your boat before storing for the winter. Fishing rods, navigation equipment and personal items included.

While you might not be worried about someone stealing your belongings during the winter, leaving items in your boat could lead to musty smells and rot, which could cause damage to your boat.

Ideally, you should remove all your personal belongings, including life vests, fishing rods and tackle, and electronic navigation equipment (to ensure that the winter temperatures won’t damage its components). 

Final Thoughts On Boat Storage

Storing your boat can really be tricky, especially if winter is approaching. While the ideas above are suitable for any weather and season, looking for the best option for wintertime that fits your scenario and budget should be on top of your boat to-do list! 

Whichever option you choose, be sure you secure your boat well, winterize it and remove any belongings in the boat.

This will help keep your boat in its best condition for as long as possible, so you can continue to enjoy the water and meet like-minded boat lovers in the coming years.

Colt Russell Buck picture 5

The Story of An Adirondack Giant | The Colt Russell Buck

– By Colt Bison Russell, US Army Vet

Three years…

That’s how long I had been watching this buck on my trail camera.

In 2019, he was an 11pt.

Years and points…

Then, in 2020, from what I could tell, he appeared to be a big 14 point. However, a couple of weeks before bow season began, he made an appearance. And then, just like that, he vanished.

Colt Russell Buck profile view

Getting to see this buck in the wild was a dream… Getting to harvest him was a dream come true!

He showed up again the final two days of our rifle season that year, but then disappeared once again.

As each year passed, he continued to have the same distinguishing characteristics; tall brows and tines that nearly touched. He also had split main beams.

Each year, he seemed to add a little more to what was already an impressive rack.

When considering what he had done the prior two years, I just figured I would never see him again.

The Video That Changed Everything

But, then, in 2021, on the 6th of September, I got one brief trail cam video of this buck in velvet.

This is the brief trailcam video clip that renewed my hope that I might actually get a chance to harvest this impressive New York buck!

One thing was for sure… this buck was an absolute stud, especially for Essex County, New York! You just don’t see bucks of this caliber around these parts.

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03/04/2025 05:51 am GMT

The Hunt For “Houdini”

I had hunted the same area the night before with no luck.

On September 30th, I really didn’t plant on hunting the same area again. However, I decided at the last minute that I would because two nice 8-pointers (both on my hit list) showed up on the trail cam.

colt russell with his big new york whitetail

I had nicknamed this buck Houdini, because he always seemed to disappear. But he showed up for one final act.

It wasn’t very long that I’d been in the woods when a mature doe approached, but I couldn’t get a clear shot on her.

So, I continued to check more of my trail cameras and still hunt.

It was 6 PM and I was roughly 1.5 miles deep on my hunting lease when I decided I was going to head back to the house for dinner.

I was looking for deer the whole walk back, but when I was about 250 yards from reaching my truck, I noticed the big body of a deer in the wood line about 60 yards away.

colt russell buck profile view in the field

What if I hadn’t stopped to check the trail camera? What if I had shot that doe? What if I hadn’t been so hungry that I decided to go home? I’m glad those all happened!

I instantly nocked an arrow onto my Mathews Solocam bow and continued moving down the trail. When I got about 10 yards into the woods, I drew my bow back.

I could tell that this deer was a buck, but the light was dimmer under the canopy of trees and it made it difficult to see the rack. I thought this deer was probably one of my two 8-point hit-listers that I was after.

I really didn’t have time to get nervous, because from the time I drew back until I released the arrow was only about 8 seconds. It all happened so fast!

The Shot

I was at about 50 yards when I let the arrow fly.

The arrow hit a little high and he dropped. When he did, I could see his rack and instantly realized what buck it was.

That’s when things got hectic. The panic was setting in!

I ran over to put another arrow in him to finish him.

colt russell buck profile mount

“Houdini” grossed 205 4/8 inches Boone and Crockett and netted 196 inches (non-typical). It was the highest scoring buck ever in Essex County and was the largest buck harvested in the state of New York and all the Northeast in 2021.

I was in disbelief. The giant buck I had been seeing for 3 years was finally down!

His rack was covered in grass as if he had just racked the ground to shreds.

I picked up his head and just took a minute to soak it all in.

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03/04/2025 06:58 am GMT

I counted 20 points on his rack. All I could think was, “who is even going to believe me when I tell them that I just shot a 20-point buck with my bow?”

I started making phone calls. And, just like I thought, it took some convincing for my close friends and family members to believe me and understand that I needed help getting this buck to the truck!

colt russell buck wall mount on barn wood

I figured that this monster of a buck had to have watched me 80 to 100 yards down that trail before I had even noticed he was there. I truly believe that deer was going to just let me walk right past him.

All The “What Ifs”

When my friends and family came, they were as in shock as I was because, again, you just don’t see deer like this one in these parts!

There are so many things that could have been different that would have kept me from tagging this buck.

What if I hadn’t stopped to check that trail cam?

What if I had taken a shot on that doe I had seen earlier in the evening?

It’s very possible that I would never have crossed paths with this giant.

Everything just fell in to place that day and I truly believe that someone was looking over my shoulder.

Word Gets Around

I was shocked how fast the word spread across the country about this buck. In just a matter of hours, the state knew about it and friends of mine across the county were contacting me, offering congratulations.

I count myself truly blessed to have gotten the chance to harvest a true Adirondack giant!

bass at night

Tips For Night Fishing For Bass | Know Before You Go

on . Posted in Blog, Fishing

When it comes to fishing, the tug on the other end of that line can be a rush like no other.

It’s also a great way to find some much-needed solitude.

But, maybe you want to take the challenge of fishing to a whole new level and of solitude?

Well, then there’s night fishing.

lake at dusk

Looking for a new challenge to bass fishing? The sun going down doesn’t have to be the end of the bass fishing…. How about trying fishing for them at night!

Night fishing can be a great way to get away from the crowds and find and even more peaceful setting than daytime fishing offers.

And, what better freshwater species to night fish for than America’s most popular freshwater species… bass!

Night fishing for bass can be difficult for inexperienced and beginner anglers. Let’s cover several tips to help you make the most of your night fishing trips for bass.  

Bring The Right Equipment 

Bass can be a challenging fish to catch, and especially at night. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you bring the right fishing tools when you head out for a night fishing trip.

Get a good-quality fishing rod and reel. Bass are known for being strong fighters, so you’ll need a rod to handle their weight and power. 

man holding bass at night

Whether day or night, you want to land the fish! Having a smooth drag on your bass fishing rod is helpful in avoiding line breaks from things you may not be able to see as well when casting/reeling. (photo credit: Blake Jackson)

Since you’ll be fishing in low light conditions, you’ll want a reel with a smooth drag system to avoid any line breaks.

A baitcasting reel can be a good option for night fishing, as it will give you more accuracy when casting. Spinning reels can also be used, but your casting accuracy may be decreased.

It may seem obvious, but lighting is a must for doing bass night fighting. For starters, a high-quality rechargeable flashlight is essential for seeing your lure and line and spotting any fish that may be lurking in the shadows. Another good lighting option is a headlamp as it frees up your hands and allows you to move around more easily. 

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There are a few other helpful tools you can take on your night fishing adventure. A pair of pliers or sharp utility knives is another must-have, as they come in handy for removing hooks from fish mouths and cutting lines.

Pick An Optimal Fishing Spot 

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of reeling in a big one under the stars. However, finding the right spot to fish at night can also be challenging. Here are a few tips to help you choose an optimal fishing spot when night fishing for bass:

  • Look for areas with lots of structure, such as docks, piers, and submerged logs or rocks. Bass love to hide in these areas.
  • Scout for areas with plenty of baitfish. Bass are predators, so they’ll be inclined to spend time in areas where there’s plenty of food.
  • Avoid locations with high boat traffic, as the noise can scare fish away.
  • In windy conditions, bass may chase baitfish into calmer, protected areas. However always use extreme caution if fishing in windy conditions from a boat, especially in the dark. If there are high winds, it may be best to stay home.

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03/04/2025 02:43 am GMT

Choose The Right Light 

Suppose you want to increase your chances of success when night fishing for bass. It’s essential to pick the appropriate light device. Many anglers use a powerful spotlight to illuminate the water, but this can have a negative effect on your catch rate. The bright light can scare off fish, making it difficult to see your line. 

A better option is to use a dim red light. This will allow you to see just enough to keep track of your line without disturbing the fish.

night fishing boat with red and green leds

Night fishing LED lights can help your line/lure glow (photo credit: Bill Walker)

You can also try using a black lights or night fishing LEDs for your boat, which will cause your lure as well as monofilament line to glow in the dark, helping you attract fish without a bright light.

Whichever light you choose, make sure you keep it on a low illumination setting, so as not to scare away the fish. 

Fish Under The “Right” Weather Conditions 

Night fishing for bass can be incredibly productive if the conditions are right.

Fish are notoriously sensitive to changes in barometric pressure. They tend to bite best when the pressure is falling. So, just before a front moves through can really get the fish feeding.

storm on lake

A falling barometer often puts fish into feeding mode. So, the “right” weather for your night fishing trip could be right before a front moves in.

Stable barometric pressure can also produce good results, while high barometric pressure is less desirable.

High winds can create waves that make it challenging to keep your boat stable. Low light/darkness compounds the risk. So, if there are high winds, consider staying at home.

Use The Correct Kind Of Lure 

When it comes to night fishing for bass, it’s essential to use the right kind of lure. Of course, live bait like shad are always a good option.

Artificial lures that mimic the appearance and movement of small fish or insects can be effective as well.  

One type of lure that can be particularly effective for night fishing is a jigging spoon. Jigging spoons are designed for swimming in a jerky motion that imitates the movements of a wounded baitfish.

buzzbait topwater bass lure

Buzz baits, large plastic worms and jigging spoons can all be good options to try when night fishing for bass.

Another good option is a swimming minnow lure, which can be worked similarly to create a lifelike presentation. 

Darker lures can create a more defined outline against the light of a night sky. Also, lures with glitter or reflective material can be beneficial in giving a lure a life-like reflection from a moonlit sky.

Large plastic worms and buzz baits can also be a good choice for night fishing as well.

Stay Focused 

With the darkness of the night adding another challenging component to bass fishing, it’s a must to always have a good head on your shoulders. So, avoid distractions and stay focused and safe from the minute the boat goes in the water until you get home.

boat ramp at night

Darkness can create a whole new set of challenges when navigating the waters. Always stay focused!

Don’t let your mind wander while you’re waiting for that next bite. Keep a laser-target focus on your line to spot signs that a bass has taken bait/lure so you can put a hook N1!

Final Thoughts On Nighttime Bass Fishing 

Night fishing for bass can be a great way to catch big bass. By following the tips above, you can increase your chances of success.

Fishing is also about learning, so be sure to check with anglers in your area to get any tips you can regarding fishing local waters. Advice from locals can be invaluable and save you tons of time figuring out what someone with experience in that area may be able to tell you.

We hope you put a hook N1!