whitetail deer quartering away

The Quartering Away Shot on a Deer | A bowhunter’s best friend

So, there’s a lot of discussion in the archery/bowhunting world surrounding shot angles.

When it comes to this hot topic, there are several subtopics like, “how to,” “where,” “which angle,” and “the best.”

quartering away angle

Angles aren’t just important in Geometry class, they are “vitally” important when considering shot angles on deer and other game.

And, of course, there’s the chatter surrounding what arrow and broadhead to use (I have some not so humble opinions on that!)

But, very few shot placement discussions answer the only thing that matters… “Why do you shoot any shot angle?”  

Understanding “why” in regard to shot angles requires practical application.  So, keep reading and find out!

The “why” is important when contemplating shot placement

Just so you know, I drove my teachers crazy in school when we did math equations or wrote papers for English class. Over and over and over again I simply wanted to know… “why are we doing this!?” 

The answer was usually, “because that’s what we are doing today!”  (which still falls like an anvil on my reasoning capability.)

I just kept thinking “we’ve been doing that stuff the past few days and I am moderately proficient!”

But, “why” requires practical application.  So, keep reading and I’ll cover some of that stuff.

So, what is a quartering away shot anyway?

deer quartering away with arrow pointing to daylight between the front legs

If a deer is facing away from you and you can see daylight between its front legs… it’s quartering away.

First, let’s make sure we all understand what “quartering away” looks like. Since a large number of bowhunters are after whitetail, that is the example I will use.

Yeah, Yeah, there can be severe quartering, or more toward broadside but quartering. Here’s the simple way to know IF THEY are quartering. Look at the front legs.  If you see daylight, it’s quartering.

Why the quartering away shot is best

Now that we have that settled, let’s discuss why this shot is the best shot angle.  I’ll set this up in order of operation.

They are looking away

Put simply, the act of drawing a bow requires movement.  The animal is looking away from you, so that puts you at a significant hunting advantage.

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The ears are pointed the other way

So, there’s some debate on a quartering away shot being better because a deer’s hearing would be reduced with its ears pointing away as well. A deer’s ears are cupped, so theoretically, if you make noise, this position would in fact be better.

My example above, of course, has an ear rotated back, just to keep me honest. Anyway, the ears aren’t toward you and that can’t be a bad thing!

The lethal part of the critter, any critter, is exposed in a quartering away stance

In the quartering away stance, there are no shoulder blades or ribcage to hit in most cases, even from a treestand. But, the big “kicker” here is that the arrow is traveling forward. Physiologically, and FACTUALLY, the arrow will be moving toward the more lethal parts of the animal. 

So, a little anatomy lesson.. Below is a basic diagram of the broadside of a deer:

whitetail deer diagram standing broadside with vitals showing

Now, you’re going to have to play along with me in this diagram and just imagine the deer is quartering away. 

Each “arrow” represents a shot angle (from top to bottom), i.e. a tree stand, low tree stand, or downhill and ground level.  That’s why I have the “arrows” as long as they are.  They represent a possible wound channel.

But, no matter if the arrow hits the rear of the lungs or the middle of the lungs, the arrow is constantly moving toward the heart, lungs, and major vessels.  This is key to WHY! 

So, why does this matter Fowler??

Well, I’ll tell you.

Keep things moving forward, folks

The most forward part of the animal, (where all 3 “arrows” intersect and I have placed the “broadhead” in the picture above), include much larger vessels and airways. 

Put simply, “it’s legit,” but it’s a bit more complex than that. So, here’s the redneck version… 

Your potential to cut “bigger stuff” increases exponentially every inch that the arrow moves forward (let’s hope you’re shooting an adult arrow and hitting the Earth after blowing through). 

Anyway, with the quartering away shot, Joe Bowhunter’s success percentage goes up and tracking distance goes down. WIN!

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02/01/2025 03:20 am GMT

The wound channel is long

It’s pretty simple: The wound channel of a quartering away shot is long.

I laugh when I see these “wound channel” measurements.  Mostly to justify a 3” wide mechanical penetrating only 9”.

Mathematically, sure, I get that. But come on man. Can’t we just shoot through a deer? 

Anyway, this next part does apply to “flappers” (mechanicals) and low penetration systems.  As you might know, I advocate for maximum penetration because that’s all an arrow can do… penetrate.

Because an arrow only gets one try, long wounds increase damage.

Let me step off the soapbox now and give 2 examples that will be pretty clear. 

So, let’s get down to my level.

I am a simple guy.  Below is a basic sponge. It’s an excellent lung example because it’s full of air and holes that represent blood airways and blood vessels, they’re longer than they are wide, and because, well, everybody has handled one.

A perfectly normal lung, with no damage, would feel very similar when compressed.

sponge and tape measure showing the concept of a broadside shot

This sponge and tape measure help to illustrate wound channel length during a broadside shot.

sponge and tape measure showing the concept of a quartering away shot

And now, using the same methodology, a quartering away shot. The wound channel on a quartering away shot is longer than that of a broadside shot.

As you can see in the picture above, we get really long wounds with a quartering away shot.  Again, the larger vessels and heart are forward, so that’s improving per the “lethal part of the critter” discussed in #3 above

I’m not saying that broadside shots are bad, so stay on the rails here, this is a quartering away discussion! 

But, just look at that wound length. I think it’s pretty clear. 

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01/31/2025 04:14 am GMT

Why the longer wound channel matters

Now, another thing your favorite professional bowhunting guru doesn’t recognize is basic physiology. Now, to be fair, few of them have had a cadaver to help clarify why this works.

The largest percentage of vessels in the deer or other animal are going lengthwise, (i.e. front to back in the lung), and have a little wrapper around them. 

Imagine that sponge is inside a balloon but yet stays the same shape. The balloon is perfectly adhered to the outside of the sponge. This means all the air and blood have to enter and exit somehow.  That “somehow” is tubes. And all the tubes go in and out of the front of the lungs and then to the legs, neck, head, etc.

That’s a fact. Separate systems for oxygen and blood, with their own committed tubes, running ’round God’s cardiothoracic plumbing system. 

As an example, if you didn’t have pipes in your house, water would go everywhere. We have clean water pipes and plumbing pipes doing two separate things. But nope, the water comes in from the city, runs in a big pipe, then enters your house, in smaller pipes, then leaves. 

blood vessels illustration on quartering away shot using a sponge

A quartering away shot is more devastating than a broadside shot because the the blood vessels are running to and from the front, which is where we want that arrow headed!

In a lung, the air and blood flow is lengthwise because the entry and exit is in the front. 

Just. Like. That.

Where to aim on a quartering away shot | Tic-Tac-Toe!

So, you can use this simple example for any shot angle. 

Imagine the board from tic, tac, toe. The front legs are the vertical posts.  Imagine a line running on the spine (we prefer not to hit that).  Then, another line on the brisket.

Now, shoot the middle of middle box.  On any angle, the middle box widens or narrows.  Shoot the middle of the middle box.

quartering away deer with tic tac toe diagram

An imaginary tic-tac-toe board can help provide guidance on where to shoot when taking a quartering away shot.

The Quartering Away Shot


Ok, I hate to be so brief and leave so soon, but it’s really that simple. Of all these concepts, the long wounds are the most important.

Arrows do NOT have any cavitation or expanded wound channel by sheer velocity and shock waves. 

Not one.

Not even the broadhead companies that claim to have cavitation, actually have cavitation.  

100% fake news!

So, the best thing an arrow can do is travel as far as it can, cutting as many different airways and blood vessels as possible and then exit. 

Wait, that’s not the best thing, it is the ONLY thing!

One note, if you have dull broadheads, or just trust your brand to be hunting sharp and you don’t check them, that’s on you. Please take the responsibility to sharpen your broadheads!

The quartering away shot has many advantages. It’s certainly the best shot angle.

Now, if your arrow system fails, none of this matters, so…

shotguns in storage

To Hide Or Not To Hide | Shotgun Storage Solutions 

Owning a gun of any type has its fair share of responsibilities. One of these important responsibilities is designating a storage spot to protect it from unauthorized access.

Proper storage helps prevent accidents and injuries. And, given that not everyone knows how to properly and safely handle guns, appropriate storage should be staple for every homeowner.   

smoking shotgun

The responsibility of your gun safely lies with you. Be sure that you not only know how to properly handle your firearm, but how to safely store it as well.

Remember, the law holds you responsible for your firearm. If someone steals it and uses it to commit a crime, you may be charged with inadequate preventative measures to safeguard the weapon.  

Types Of Shotgun Storage Solutions

The good news is that there are several storage solutions.

Notably, you can embark on a do-it-yourself (D-I-Y) project and create one. Alternatively, you can buy sophisticated storage solutions that involve technological features such as biometrics sensors.

On that note, let’s take a look at some shotgun storage solutions you’d want to consider: 

Wall Mounts

Wall mounts are a safe way to store your gun and easily access them. They’re perfect for gun owners who want to display their collections.

wall gun mount for shotgun and firearms

The beauty of a wall mount is the numerous design options available. You can create a vertical or horizontal rack and then anchor your mount. (Note that the wall mounts work best on concrete walls.) They also work best when you need to save on floor space. You can use any room for a wall mount installation without interfering with its primary purpose. 

Since a gun on a wall mount is still visible, choosing a secure location for a wall mount is best. You may want to place it behind the door. This way, one can only access the gun if they’re inside the room.

Before securely attaching the wall mount, you’d want to test whether the space is ideal depending on your gun’s length. This way, you won’t do all the work of installing the mount, only to realize you have insufficient space. 

Smart Safes

One of the safest ways to secure your gun from everyone else is by keeping it in a lockable safe. There are numerous smart safes whose features vary significantly.

Some advanced smart safes feature biometric locks that can only be opened with your fingerprints, while others comprise electric locks or passcodes that guarantee no one else can get in the safe unless they know the access details.  

Safes vary in size. The larger safes can contain more than one compartment, to allow you to store more guns. So, choose a safe with as many compartments as the number of shotguns you have. Also, consider preserving other compartments for ammo or gun-cleaning supplies.  

Some smart safes have notification systems that alert you when someone tries to tamper with them. Typically, you’ll get notified on your smartphone about an attempted break-in. You can quickly go and check what the matter is before more damage is done. 

Lockable Gun Drawers 

Like the safes, shotgun drawers are lockable, hence limiting access. The drawers can be created in not-so-obvious places so that no one can know that they are in fact for gun storage.

Some excellent locations to attach the gun drawers include the following:  

  • Inside other drawers 
  • Bedside drawers  
  • Beneath your dining table  
  • End table drawer  

The drawers act as hidden spaces to store your guns. Unless someone is very observant, it’s not easy to predict that the drawers are gun storage. Always ensure that the drawers have locks and keep the keys far from reach. 

Gun Storage Cabinets 

If you have enough space, it’s best to have standalone storage cabinets to keep your guns in.

Additionally, ensure the cabinets are fitted with security features such as locks and heavy gauged doors.

gun storage cabinet

The beauty of storage cabinets is that they can be modified using the correct measurements so that the gun fits perfectly (photo credit: American Concealed Furniture).

And, you can have high cabinets to ensure they’re not easily accessible, especially by children.  

You can modify the cabinets by installing alarm systems to notify you if someone tries to tamper with the locks. These features make it hard for thieves or unauthorized personnel to get to the guns. 

Rented Gun Safes 

A rented gun safe offers an offsite storage location if you’re not comfortable storing the shotgun in your house.

Rented gun safes are excellent for hunters because you can take the shotgun to storage when the hunting season is over.

Concealment Shelves 

conealed gun shelf

With a concealment shelf, you can place the firearm inside the shelf and arrange several books on it for a disguise. This storage idea facilitates a quick reach for the gun in case of a home invasion (photo credit: American Concealment Furniture). 

Another way you can store your gun in the house is by using shelves. Luckily, these can be homemade. However, it’s not ideal to keep the firearm in visible areas.

Concealment shelves, on the other hand, are discrete, so it takes work to notice the weapon. You can do a better job at hiding the guns by using bookcases or dummies.

Hidden Storage Step 

Another discrete way to store your gun is in a hidden step.

The hidden step functions normally, except that it can open and close. This can be an excellent place to hide your firearm in the house. However, you should ensure the step doesn’t open accidentally or appear odd, as someone could be tempted to check. You should also be sure that doesn’t make a squeaking sound when opening, as it could catch someone’s attention.  

hidden storage step for shotgun

Hidden storage built into stairs can be an effective place to secretly store your shotguns or firearms (photo credit mymydiy.com).

Alternatively, you can make drawers under the stairway to avoid the opening being directly on the stairs.

Note that the storage step design only works with wide-enough steps. It’s the only way your shotgun can fit perfectly without any adjustments on the steps. 

Final Thoughts On Shotgun Storage Solutions

Storing your shotgun securely is an essential precautionary measure against accidents. As such, it’s vital to have a reliable storage solution for your rifle.

Without proper shotgun storage, you put everyone at risk by leaving the gun where anyone can access it.

shotgun and shell

It’s always safe practice to unload the firearm before storage to prevent accidental discharge. Also, consider fitting the gun with a trigger lock to ensure no one can intentionally, or accidentally, pull the trigger.

Innovative solutions like sensors and smartphone notification systems are also helpful in remotely monitoring your stored shotgun. You’ll know whenever someone tries to tamper with the locks in your absence and quickly spring into action.

So, hopefully these shotgun storage solutions provide you some helpful information on how to safely and securely store your guns!

happy arrow nock tuning

Is Your Arrow HAPPY? [It can be if you nock tune with THESE]

Bowhunters, you want the best arrow flight possible from a well-tuned bow, right? Then you should nock tune your arrows!

Check out our “Happy Arrow” video below (it’ll only take a minute… literally!)

“Happy Arrow” from N1 Outdoors on YouTube

>> Get arrow wraps for nock tuning HERE!

Nock tuning your hunting arrows can be a game changer for any bowhunter. The direction the arrow’s spine is pointing when you nock your arrow can make all the difference.

So, how do you find that perfect spine alignment when shooting? To learn more about nock tuning and why it’s important, click here!