NAP Killzone review header image

In The Zone? | The NAP Killzone Broadheads Review

In this broadhead review, I tested a tried and true mechanical that has been around for a while… the NAP Killzone.

I’ve used this head on hogs, turkey, and deer, and it has always performed pretty well for me in the field.

But I wanted to see how it performed in my testing regimen.

So, let’s zoom in and go through some of the design features and specifications of the Killzone 125 grain and then we will put it to the test.

NAP Killzone Broadhead Up Close

NAP Killzone closed position

Here’s a good look at the Killzone. This is a classic, classic rear-deploying head. When the blades are fully opened, it has got a cutting diameter of 2″ in the open position and it doesn’t utilize any O-ring or retention clips or anything like that.

NAP Killzone Wings

It uses a mechanism where the blades slide back due to pressure right here on these little wing bats on the little hinge. They slide back into their open position. They don’t lock open, but they’re held open just by the force that’s being pushed against them.

NAP Killzone open position

The Killzone in the open position. The body of the NAP Killzone is a 7075 aluminum, which as I always say, if you’re going to use aluminum, that’s the way to go, because it’s stronger than some steels. But, it’s very vented, so I definitely wanted to see how it would hold up.

NAP Killzone chiseled tip

It also has a nice kind of chiseled type tip that’s a hardened steel and the blades are steel as well. By my measurement, they are 0.035″ thick. So, really nice rear-deploying, good size cut, classic, simple mechanical head.

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02/22/2025 05:13 am GMT

NAP Killzone Testing

Let’s see how the NAP Killzone performed in the below tests…

For these tests on the Killzone, I used my Bowtech CP28 set at 72 pounds. I used Bishop FOC King Arrows for most of the shots, and Bishop FAD Eliminators for the really hard impact ones.

Flight Forgiveness Test (I field pt then I broadhead @30 yds)

The NAP Killzone broadhead flew almost exactly like the field point.

Initial Sharpness Test

NAP Killzone out of the box sharpness

The pre-testing sharpness was 325 (the lower the number, the sharper the blade).

Penetration Test 1 

NAP Killzone MDF Ballistic Gel test

I shot the Killzone into FBI ballistic gel that was fronted with a 2/3″ rubber mat and 1/2″ MDF. It penetrated 5-1/4″.

NAP Killzone entrance hole in foam

This was the entrance hole in the foam mat that fronted the MDF and ballistic gel.

Edge Retention Test (sharpness after Penetration Test 1)

NAP Killzone post test sharpness

Post-test sharpeness = 375.

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New Archery Products Endgame 2-Blade 100 Grain Titanium Razor-Sharp Fixed Blade Arrow Broadheads for Compound Bows (3 Pack)
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Penetration Test 2 (layered cardboard)

NAP Killzone layered cardboard test

The Killzone penetrated through 51 layers of cardboard.

Angled Shot Test (1/4″ MDF/Carpet): No problem.

I shot the Killzone into an angled MDF board… it penetrated it with no problem.

Durability Test (1/2″ MDF max 3 shots)

NAP Killzone after 3 shots in MDF

After the three shots in the MDF, one of the blades started to get pretty bent there. And then the base of the ferrule, the blades cut into that base on both sides pretty much. But overall, it held together pretty well.

Durability Test (22 gauge steel plate max 2 shots)

NAP Killzone steel plate test

Here it is after the two shots through the steel plate, and you can see, it held together, but not that great. Both of the blades got significantly bent and they are locked in that position. They would not open or close anymore. The ferrule got a bit narrowed and one of the blades is broken halfway through. And then, you can see the holes on the steel plate… they are a lot smaller than the actual cutting diameter. The blades kind of crunched down on the steel plate.

Durability Test (Concrete Block)

NAP Killzone after concrete block test

Here it is after impacting the concrete. And as you can see, that one blade that was pretty bent broke off and then the other blade that was pretty bent got even more bent. But, the ferrule held up pretty well. It also had a bit of a wobble. But, it did fairly well for an aluminum, really long-vented, ferrule like that.

Post-Testing Thoughts On The NAP Killzone

So what do you think of the Killzone?

Like I said in the beginning, I’ve used this head in the field and it has performed fairly well for me.

One of the drawbacks has always been its penetration. It’s just never been a very good penetrating head, not just because it has got a big 2-inch wide cut, but it even penetrates less than most mechanicals that are rear-deploying with a 2-inch cut.

And, these tests just exposed a lot of the weaknesses that it does have in penetration as well as in sharpness and in durability.

There are better heads that are on the market, but it doesn’t mean this can’t get the job done. It has killed a lot of animals. It has worked well for me. And if it’s your favorite, then great, more power to you. But, I do think that there are better options available.

NAP Killzone Score card

The NAP Killzone Scored 77.51 out of 100 possible points.

Also, I have to say, I was really surprised that it fell apart and lost its blades in the cardboard. That happened on a Rage that I tested a while back and I thought that was just kind of freaky. I guess cardboard is a tougher test than I realized! But, it held up through steel plate. That was really interesting.

Anyway, it did relatively well, just not the best. But, check out the score sheet below, and good luck out there hunting!

John Lusk archery goat

John Lusk of Lusk Archery Adventures.

trifecta fixed blade broadheads review

Trifecta Fixed Blade Broadheads Review [The “Perfecta” Broadhead?]

In this review, I tested a really cool broadhead called the Trifecta.

I had gotten quite a few requests for this, and I was able to connect with Rob Schneider, the owner of Trifecta, and the designer of this broadhead.

I was super excited to test these out!

For the testing of the Trifecta Fixed Blade broadheads, I I used my Bowtech CP28 set at 72 pounds. I used a Bishop FOC King Arrows for most of the shots, and the Bishop FAD Eliminators for the really hard impact stuff.

The Trifecta Fixed Blade Broadheads Up Close

Let’s zoom on in here and check out this cool-looking Trifecta Fixed Blade.

trifecta profile view

Here’s a good look at the Trifecta head. Man, this is one wicked-looking broadhead! So much to go through!

trifecta profile all steel construction

First of all, it’s all steel construction. It’s all made out of 420 stainless steel and it has a super short overall profile.

trifecta broadhead cut width

You get 1 and 1/4″ of cut one way, which is a really nice size cut for a fixed blade

trifecta leading blade cut width

And, then you’ve got the leading blade that’s 3/8 of an inch of cut. So, the total cut is over 1.68″. The leading blade is really small, but it’s a stout 0.040″ of thickness, which is good on the upper end of thicknesses as far as blades are concerned...

trifecta broadhead main blade thickness

But, the main blade has a thickness of 0.078″. Wow! It’s almost twice as thick as the other blade. It’s more than twice as thick as most fixed blade heads on the market. So, I was really impressed with that.

The main blade of the Trifecta is pretty vented in the 100-grain model. But, in the future, they’re coming out with 125-grain and a 150-grain that are going to be solid. So, I’m really looking forward to that.

But, with the current version’s blades being this thick, even though it’s vented, I imagine they are going to be pretty durable. And, I imagine that tip, because is supported so well, and it’s so small, that it’s going to be pretty durable too.

trifecta single bevel blades

The Trifecta has a nice, single beveling all the way around on both of the main blades and the front blade. So, they’re really easy to sharpen it because they’re at a really steep angle. I would imagine they are going to hold up well and not get much edge chatter because of the incline there to that bevel.

So, I love the fixed blade. But, what’s really cool about it is that you can just use the same ferrule and switch out the blades and put in a mechanical blade or a hybrid broadhead because there’s a fixed blade in the front, and then the mechanical blades in the back.

And, it either comes in this model which is 1.87″ of cutting diameter or this model that’s 1.65″ of cutting diameter.

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trifecta various models of fixed and expandables

The neat thing about the Trifecta heads is that you can switch out the fixed blade for expandables on the same ferrule.

So, you can just switch out the blades with the same steel ferrule, based on your setup and based on what you’re hunting. If you’re going after a smaller animal, you might want to use mechanical.

If you’re going after a bigger animal like a deer or elk, you may want to use the fixed blade or in between. There are all kinds of modularities to it. So, I love that!

But, for this test, I tested the fixed blade version.

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Trifecta Fixed Blade Testing

Let’s see how the Trifecta fixed blade broadheads performed!

Flight Forgiveness (1 Field Point, Then 1 Broadhead At 30 yards)  

The Trifecta had very forgiving flight in this test, with both the fixed blade and the field point hitting on top of each other.

Initial Sharpness Test

trifecta broadhead initial sharpness 225

For the out-of-the-box sharpness test, it took 225 grams of force to cut through the wire.

Penetration Test 1 (2/3″ rubber mat, 1/2″ MDF, FBI Gel)   

trifecta broadheads in ballistic gel

The Trifecta penetrated 8.5″ into the ballistic gel that was fronted with a rubber mat and 1/2″ MDF.

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Edge Retention Test (sharpness after Penetration Test 1):

trifecta post ballistic gel mdf sharpness test

It took no additional force to cut through the wire which gives it a 10 on a 10-point scale!

Penetration Test 2 (layered cardboard):

trifecta fixed blade broadheads layered cardboard penetration test

It penetrated through 61 layers of cardboard.

Angled Shot Test (1/4″ MDF/Carpet):

trifecta angled mdf test

The angled MDF test was no problem at all for the Trifecta.

Durability Test (1/2″ MDF max 3 shots):

The head is in perfect condition after 3 shots through the MDF.

trifecta broadhead after 3x mdf

After 3 consecutive shots through the MDF, the Trifecta head was still in perfect condition!

Durability Test (22 gauge steel plate max 2 shots):

trifecta steel plate test

And after 2 shots through the steel plate, it held up extremely well. There’s just a slightest little nick in the blades.

And then check out these holes on the steel plate. Man! For a single bevel like this, that’s one of the best S-cutting I’ve ever seen. You could see the rotation of the blades opening up a really nice wound channel.

Concrete Test:

trifecta broadheads concrete block test

I shot the Trifecta into a concrete block and it stuck!

trifecta broadheads fixed blade after concrete test

So here’s a good look at the head after going through the MDF 3 times, the steel plate 2 times, and then embedding in the concrete. And man, it held together very well. These thick blades did the job. Even with the rotation, it held together.

Sometimes with a hard impact in a single bevel rotation, you get a bit of twisting, but these blades are thick enough to where that didn’t happen.

The tip got a very slight bit of a twist to it from that rotation, but very, very little. Ane, the edges just have normal wear from hitting the concrete, but very impressive durability.

Final Thoughts On The Trifecta Fixed Blade Broadheads

Well, what do you think?

Man, this is a winner of a broadhead!

There are a lot of broadheads that are kind of in the middle of the pack that you go, “Yeah, they did pretty good.” And, every once in a while, there’s that rare one that really stands out. This one definitely stands out!

I really was surprised. this head got the highest score of any fixed blade head that I’ve tested so far through 2022-2023.

trifecta fixed blade broadheads lusk scorecard

The Trifecta fixed blade was the highest scoring fixed blade broadhead that I’ve tested to date!

So, these are really worth a look. I mean they flew incredibly well. I couldn’t believe how well they flew. Honestly, they’re just so forgiving.

The Trifecta penetrated super deeply, with super good rotation. I did a separate rotation test and it penetrated into the clear ballistics gel 13″ and rotated 90 degrees. That’s a lot of rotation in gel! And in animal, it’s a lot more than in gel because that’s pretty restrictive.

That little blade in the front held up super well and it adds a little bit of FOC to your setup there. The super thick blades did well even sticking in the concrete and blowing out the back, a back chunk of a concrete. I’ve never seen that before.

So man, I can’t wait to use this head on some hogs and really eager to see the 125-grain version and 150-grain solid. I look forward to testing those.

Fantastic job, Trifecta! This is really a winner and it’s definitely worth a look.

muzzy trocar hbx hybrid

Muzzy Trocar HBX (Hybrid) Broadheads Review

After receiving many requests to test the Muzzy Trocar HBX broadheads, I finally got to do just that!

This head has been around for awhile. It’s a 100-grain, fixed and mechanical blade broadhead combination; a “hybrid” broadhead.

For these tests, I used my Bowtech CP28 set at 72 pounds. I used Bishop FOC King Arrows for most of the shots, but for the really the hard impact ones, I used the Bishop FAD Eliminators.

The Muzzy Trocar HBX Up Close

So, let’s zoom on in here, go through some of the design features and specifications of the Muzzy Trocar HBX…

muzzy trocar hbx profile view

Here’s a good look at the Trocar HBX hybrid broadhead. It’s called a “hybrid” because you have a fixed blade, which is actually two separate blades that slide into ferrule with a one inch cutting diameter, and it doesn’t open or close, it’s just fixed.

trocar hbx in open position

There’s also a mechanical blade that in the closed position is 9/10 of an inch, and then the open position, it expands to 1 and 5/8″ when fully opened. The cut is 2 and 5/8″ when combining the cut of the mechanical blades with the the fixed blades.  

The bladed are 0.35” thick, and the the ferrule, chiseled tip, and the blades are all stainless steel.

muzzy trocar hbx blunt gator blades

The opening is a rear-deploying, gator style, opening system to where it’s the pressure on these two blunt blades that force these blades open.

Now, I will say it takes a lot of pressure, even just to pull the blades apart. And, they don’t lock open, but they remain open when there’s a pressure on that little gator end, that causes them to open.

So, I was a little concerned about how that opening was going to work and if it would stay open. But, even if it didn’t get the full cut, it would still be a lot of cut.

Muzzy Trocar HBX Testing

So, I was super eager to put this head to the test and see how it performed.

Flight Forgiveness Test 

For the flight forgiveness test, I shot 1 field point and then 1 broadhead at 30 yards.

muzzy trocar hbx flight forgiveness tests

The broadhead flew very true to the field point in the flight forgiveness test.

Initial Sharpness Test

I tested the “out of the box” sharpness of the head (the lower the number indicates that it takes less pressure to cut the wire, indicating a sharper blade).

muzzy trocar hbx mech blade initial sharpness test

The mechanical blade registered 200.

muzzy trocar initial sharpness test fixed blades

The fixed blade registered 300.

Muzzy Trocar HB Hybrid 4 Blade Broadhead, Silver
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Penetration Test 1 (2/3″ Rubber mat, 1/2″ MDF, FBI Gel)   

I shot the head into ballistic gel that was fronted with a 2/3″ rubber mat and 1/2″ MDF.

muzzy trocar ballistic gel mdf test

The Muzzy Trocar HBX penetrated 8.25″ into he ballistic gel. But, I do want to note that while the blades opened very well on impact, (they open until almost their full cutting diameter even in the rubber foam mat), they quickly started to close as soon as they hit the gel and they remain closed throughout the entire penetration. So, it really wasn’t cutting its full tissue throughout that 8-1/4″, and that’s not uncommon with gator blades. It usually happens in gel with gator blades, especially with ones that don’t lock. Now, would that happen in animal? I’m not really sure. But, I want to make note of it because it does give kind of false reading in the penetration.

Edge Retention Test (Sharpness Test After Penetration Test 1):

I tested the sharpness again after the first penetration test.

muzzy trocar post-penetration sharpness test mech blade

Mech Blade: 225.

muzzy trocar post-penetration sharpness test fixed blade

Fixed Blade: 325.

Penetration Test 2 (layered cardboard):

muzzy trocar hbx layered cardboard test

The head penetrated through 48 layers of cardboard.

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Angled Shot Test (1/4″ MDF/Carpet):

muzzy trocar hbx angled mdf test

I shot the head into angled MDF.

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Durability Test (1/2″ MDF max 3 shots):

Man, this test was a shocker. On the first shot through the MDF, it broke a blade. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen something like that happen, and I certainly wasn’t expecting it to happen with this Muzzy.

But, it did.

muzzy trocar hbx mdf broken blade

In the first shot into the MDF, the blade just broke right off and embedded somewhere in my target, and that’s really unfortunate.  So, I was not able to shoot it into a steel metal plate, which is typically my next test. I also couldn’t shoot it into the concrete block, which is usually my last test.

Final Thoughts On The Muzzy Trocar HBX

So, what do you think of the Trocar HBX?

It has its strengths. For example, it flew very well, has a really good size cut, and a really tough chiseled tip. I also love the all-steel construction.

I was not, however, very impressed with the durability. Actually, it’s lack of durability surprised me.

muzzy trocar hbx lusk scorecard

The Muzzy Trocar HBX scored 74.10 out of a possible 100 points, giving it a Lusk Grade of 7 golden arrows.

I know these blades are pretty thin, narrow and not very supported, but I expected a little bit better there in durability.

Now, I’m sure it can get the job done in most situations. In fact, I’m sure many of you have used it very successfully in the field.

So, check out the score sheet and see it’s score out of a possible 100 and decide if it’s a good fit for your quiver.