Beast broadheads review header image

Beast or Pussycat? | The Bowmar BEAST Broadheads Review

I am excited about the broadhead I’m testing in this review… It’s the new BEAST Broadhead by Bowmar.

BEAST is actually an acronym that stands for Bone Evading Advanced Spring Technology.

This broadhead has a lot of cool features, so let’s go through those features and specifications and then we will put it to the test!

For these tests, I used my Bowtech CP28 set at 72 pounds, 27-inch draw. I used Bishop FOC King Arrows for most of the shooting, but then I’m using the Bishop FAD Eliminators for the really hard impact shots.

The Bowmar BEAST broadhead up close

Beast broadhead profile view

Here’s a good look of the BEAST. And man, it truly is a beast of a broadhead! There is so much going on here. First of all, you see it here in the close position, 2-blade broadhead. This is a 2-inch cutting diameter. In the closed position, it closes to 0.64″, so I assumed it would be very streamlined in flight and fly extremely well.

The point of the BEAST broadhead is a needle point tip. I actually thought I had cut myself when I touched it!

beast ferrule tip

You can see here that the ferrule starts really narrow at the tip, and then gets larger. That’s going to help in arrow dynamics and flight forgiveness as well as penetration. Also, notice the multiple groves in the ferrule as well as the tip and that’s going to aid in flight forgiveness as well. As it rotates around, it traps air in there and makes it a bit more forgiving as well as helping with durability.

The blades take 1.3 pounds of force to deploy, and they deploy with 15 pounds of force at 750 miles an hour. So, they are not losing the energy with that penetration.

They are actually gaining some with that stored energy that allows those blades to cut through the hide in an even faster way than they would have if they didn’t have that spring inside them.

beast broadhead wings

The two little wings at the front that impact the hide are not sharpened. But, when they impact, a spring is released and then the blades spring open at 750 miles per hour! (On the package, it says 650 but they have since added an extra component inside that actually increases the deployment speed to 750 miles an hour). That’s actually breaking the sound barrier! Plus, if you’re shooting it at 250, 300 feet per second, it’s all the faster.

Bowmar wanted to get a spring that could stay closed like this for a long time and then still work. And so, they looked all over the world and found these springs in the auto industry by a company that makes them for Lamborghini and Ferrari.

The spring has 15 pounds of stored energy inside the broadhead, but can stay in a closed (contracted) position and still retain 95% of its energy for 3-5 years. There’s never been a spring used like this in a broadhead application; it’s not just your normal little spring!

beast broadhead blade thickness

The blades of the BEAST broadheads are 0.035″ thick. They have a nice curve to them when they are open. That curve is going to aid in penetration and cut as well.

Beast broadhead in open position

Here are the blades of the BEAST in the open position.

beast broadhead gloves

Note that each pack comes with two little finger gloves so that you can grab the blades, and that’s what you need to wear when you want to close them again. You just grab them and pinch them down. It works really well. Don’t try doing it with your bare hands, as the blades are extremely sharp.

Once the spring is deployed, it pushes the blades into the open position. It’s not barbed because these blades can fold back beyond just their barb stage. But, I will say they are difficult to get out of a target.

I shot them into a target and though they do bend back, they don’t bend back so much that they’re super easy to get out of. So, I wouldn’t be shooting them into targets too often.

beast broadhead blade tension

But here, the springs serve a secondary purpose after being opened. If bone is encountered, then the blades can compress back, and that allows them to stay straight as they continue to penetrate and not lose their edge and not lose the energy. They just can go right around that blade and then they spring back into place after a quarter of an inch. So that extra tension can allow them to go right between or around bone and then spring back to their full open position.

beast broadhead aluminum ferrule

This head is the 100 grain and so it uses an aluminum ferrule (7075 aluminum) which is a really good aluminum. I always say if you are going to use aluminum, that’s a good one to use. It’s stronger than some steels. But, perhaps in heavier models that come out in the future, they will use all steel, not sure.

Wrap your arrows with THESE!

Bowmar BEAST Broadhead Testing

I was eager to put this BEAST broadhead to the test! Here’s what I learned…

Flight Forgiveness (1 field pt then 1 broadhead @30 yds)  

beast broadheads flight test

As you can see, the BEAST flew right next to the field points, as you would expect from an expandable.

Initial Sharpness

beast broadheads initial sharpness test

It only took 125 grams of force to cut through the wire which is a 10 on a 10-point scale.


Penetration Test 1 (2/3″ rubber mat, 1/2″ MDF, FBI Gel)   

beast broadhead ballistic gel test

It penetrated 7-3/4″. And here’s the entrance hole. It opened an inch and a half on this medium and it’s not uncommon for heads to not fully open on this medium so I’ll do a more formal opening test in a minute.

Edge Retention Test (sharpness after Penetration Test 1)

beast broadheads 2nd sharpness test

Wow! It took no additional force to cut through the wire, which is a 10 on a 10-point scale.

Penetration Test 2 (layered cardboard)

beast broadhead layered cardboard test

The BEAST penetrated through 52 layers of cardboard.

Opening Test (Leather stretched over box)

beast broadheads leather stretched over box

The entrance hole was 1-3/4″. But, on the back of the box, it had opened up to almost 2-1/2″.

Angled Shot Test (1/4″ MDF/Carpet)

beast broadhead in angled mdf

It had no problem with the angled MDF.

Durability Test (1/2″ MDF max 3 shots)

beast broadheads after shots into mdf

It was in great shape after 3 shots through the MDF. The only signs of wear are right close to the ferrule where you can see the blades kicked forward into the tip and made a little bit of a dent in the blade there.

Durability Test (22 gauge steel plate max 2 shots)

beast broadheads 22 gauge steel plate test holes

It held up very well through the 2 shots in a steel plate. You can see it got a little bit of edge chatter in the edges of the blades and the tip got a little bit rolled over. And then you can see the holes. They are a little smaller than the cutting diameter and that’s just because of that spring mechanism. They can’t open fully when going through a steel plate, which is understandable.

Concrete Test

beast expandable broadhead embedded in concrete

I shot the BEAST into a concrete block. The tip embedded really deeply into the concrete which was pretty cool to see. There’s no getting that thing out!

beast expandable broadhead after concrete test

So here it is after impacting the concrete. And as you can see, it broke right there in the ferrule. I managed to find one of the blades that had flown quite a way across the yard. And I as I say all the time, the concrete test is not like a pass-fail. It’s not like, “Oh, this broadhead failed because it didn’t hold up to the concrete.” That only accounts for 3% of the overall score. As for the durability of this, man, it held up very well through the MDF and the steel plate as well.

Final Thoughts On The Bowmar BEAST Broadheads Review

So what do you think of the BEAST?

Man, there’s a lot to love about this broadhead! I love the low profile and the flight, as well as the super secure retention system blades. There are no O-rings and no clips. And, I love the spring action that they have in there.

I get the feeling that they’re going to be a lot more effective on animals than my testing really allows. There’s only so much you can do with standardized tests. But, even so, it did well in my testing, and I think it’s going to do even better on animals the way the spring causes those blades to just pop forward with such force.

beast broadhead lusk grade

The BEAST broadhead scored 91.86 out of 100 on my Lusk Grade scale!

I love the blades and the sharpness. And then there’s the edge retention! That’s the sharpest and the best edge retention of anything I’ve tested. I’ve tested others that were 125, but this one was was 125 grams of force after going through penetration test 1. That’s super rare! I’ve never seen that before.

So again, just a lot to like about this broadhead. I look forward to seeing the future models that they come out with!

Josh Bowmar, you’re on to something really good here. I appreciate all your hard work and ingenuity in designing this head.

exact archery broadheads review

What “Exactly” Should You Shoot? | Exact Archery Broadheads Review

I always love it when new broadheads come out. And, there was a new one from a company I had never heard of… Exact Archery.

I reached out to them and they sent me a pack. They sure do look cool and I was eager to put them to the test!

The Exact Archery Broadheads Up Close

Let’s zoom on in and take a look at the Exact Archery Broadheads…

exact archery broadhead

Here’s a good look of the Exact Archery Broadhead here. This is 4-blade, as you can tell and it’s the 100-grain model. Now, I will note that just for a few bucks, you can pick up some of these little washers and they just slide on to the back; and, they don’t make it any longer. They don’t take up any of the threading because that little slot just slides over the blades and makes it a 125-grain. So, you have the same basic broadhead in 100 grains or 125 grains. Now, it does add a little bit of a lip that’s going to have a little bit of resistance to some mediums as it impacts, but not very much. So, it’s nice that you have some modularity there between 100 and 125-grain.

Exact Archery broadheads blade thickness

The Exact Archery broadhead is all steel. The ferrule, and the blades are both stainless steel. Each of the blades are 0.040″ thick, so these are some of the thicker blades on the market for a replaceable blade broadhead.

The cutting diameter in each direction is 1-1/8″. So the total cut is 2-1/4″. That’s no slouch! It’s like a Slick Trick Magnum head.

exact archery broadheads tip

You’ll notice that there’s no tip other than this blade. It’s a true cut on contact tip.

Exact Archery Broadheads short profile

Notice that it has an an extremely short overall profile.

By my measurements, the head measurement comes out to 0.85″ long. So, that’s one of the shortest broadheads that I know of. But, even so, you’re getting a decent size cut. So, I would imagine it’s going to minimize surface area and maximize flight forgiveness and penetration.

I wondered a little bit about the durability on a hard impact with this cut on contact blade since it doesn’t have a chiseled tip (more on that below). I thought the ferrule would probably be pretty durable because it’s so short.

Exact Archery Broadheads Testing

It’s not very expensive broadhead, but seems really well-constructed. I was eager to see how it performed!

In the following tests, I used my Bowtech CP28 set at 72 pounds. I’m using Bishop FOC King Arrows for most of the shots and Bishop FAD Eliminators for the shots into the concrete, because they can handle it like no other arrow that I’ve ever tested.

Flight Forgiveness Test  

Exact archery broadheads flight test

For the flight forgiveness test, shot 1 field point and then 1 broadhead at a distance of 40 yards. It had excellent flight!  

Initial Sharpness Test

exact archery broadheads initial sharpness test

It took 200 grams of force to cut through the wire. That’s a 10 on a 10-point scale!

Your arrows are boring… THESE will help!

Penetration Test 1 (2/3″ rubber mat, 1/2″ MDF, FBI Gel)

Exact Archery broadheads ballistic gel mdf rubber

When shot into the ballistic gel fronted by a 2/3″ rubber mat and 1/2 MDF, It penetrated 9 inches (MDF and rubber mat not shown in this pic, but it was 9 total inches).

Edge Retention Test (sharpness after Penetration Test 1)

Exact archery broadhead sharpness post ballistic get test

It took an extra 75 grams of force to cut through the wire, which is an 8.5 on a 10-point scale.

Penetration Test 2 (layered cardboard)

Exact Archery broadhead layered cardboard test

The Exact archery head penetrated through 64 layers of cardboard.

Angled Shot Test (1/4″ MDF/Carpet):

Exact Archery Broadhead shot into angled mdf

It had no problem in the angled shot test.

If you know, you know!

Durability Test (1/2″ MDF max 3 shots):

Exact archery broadhead after 3 times through mdf

It was in excellent condition after going through the MDF three times.

Durability Test (22 gauge steel plate max 2 shots):

exact archery broadhead stell plate test

Check out these holes in the steel plate (left). Man, these are really nice holes. They are like square chunks. If you compare it to these other holes that were made by a broadhead I tested right before this (right side), you can really see the difference (both are 4-blade heads). But man, what a difference in the wound channel it opens up. And the head is in just fantastic shape. There’s a little tiny chip that was taken off the very tip. You can’t even make it out on this picture. But that was just really minor, and otherwise, the head stayed in excellent shape.


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Concrete Test

exact archery in concrete block

So here is the Exact Archery broadhead after all the durability tests. I did not expect it to hold together as well as it did (through the MDF 3 times, the steel plate 2 times, and then into the concrete). Man, it stuck so deeply into the concrete!

exact archery broadhead after concrete block test

As for durability, after the concrete test, it had a slight bit of wobble to it. And, the tip got a little bit dinged up in the concrete, but it showed really impressive durability for this type of design.


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Final Thoughts On The Exact Archery Broadhead

So what do you think?

Man, the Exact Archery broadhead really, really surprised and impressed me!

When I first saw it, and looked at the price point (7 bucks a head), I was thinking, “OK, I’ve seen designs like this. The blades are probably going to separate on hard impact. Maybe they’re going to break. Maybe they’re going to roll over.”

I was wrong!

exact archery broadheads lusk score card

The Exact Archery broadhead scored 10 out of 10 golden arrows… wow!

This head is impressive in every area. It flew super well. It penetrated really well in every medium. It held together well in MDF, the steel plate, buried into the concrete… wow! And, this is just the 100-grain version. You add that extra washer down there at the bottom, to get up to 125, it might do even more!

And, here’s the thing. This head got a score 10 golden arrows! There are not many heads that get 10 golden arrows, but this one did. And it’s 7 bucks a pop. Man, that’s really impressive!

So hey, Exact Archery, you’re doing something right. Welcome to the ballgame. I look forward to seeing more stuff that you come out with in the future!

XOP Ambush Evolution climbing stand review header image

Inside Information | XOP Ambush Evolution Sit-And-Climb Deer Stand Review

In this review, I cover the XOP Ambush Evolution Sit and Climb stand.

I’ve got some things I like about the stand. I’ve also got some things that I would change, to improve the stand.

So, let’s get to it!

The XOP Ambush Evolution Sit-And-Climb Review

I hunted with this stand several times this year, because I wanted something that would fold down – that wouldn’t have anything in front of me that would inhibit my bow shots.

I’ve used other climbers that have a rail around it that at times gave me problems.

Unpacking the Ambush Evolution

xop shoulder straps

The XOP Ambush Evolution Sit-And-Climb comes packed up really nicely. It has some bungee straps that hold it together well. It and it comes from the factory with some “get you by” shoulder straps. They have XOP sales after-market shoulder strap system as well (see below photo).

xop shoulder straps deluxe

Here’s a look at the more “deluxe” version of the shoulder straps from that you can buy from XOP.

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Below, you can see how tightly and compact it is. It’s less than 4″ wide, and when you put it on your back and carry it through the woods, because of the way the bungee strap pulls the cables down, it would not get hung up on vines, brush, or tree limbs.

XOP evolution folded width

The XOP Ambush Evolution folds up to an incredibly thin 4 inches!

XOP Evolution 18 lbs

One of the best things I like about the XOP Ambush Evolution is the weight. it weighs only 18 lbs and is the lightest stand I’ve ever hunted from.

Attaching To The Tree

XOP Evolutions sliding locks

To open the stand from the folded position, you simply slide the knob attachments toward the front of the stand until they stop…

XOP Evolutiions tightening screws

…then, you tighten down the knobs to secure the side bars into place.

XOP Evolution knobs

Unlocking and adjusting the strap that goes around the tree is pretty simple… just loosen the knob under the straps, and then push up to disengage. Once you have the strap to your desired length, you tighten the knob back down.

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XOP Evolutions danger zone on straps

The yellow “danger zone” is a good reminder not to lock the strap in place this far out.

XOP Evolution attaching bottom part to tree

When attaching to the tree, you need to set the strap circumference so that when you reach your desired height, the platform will be at a 90 degree angle to the tree.

One nice thing about the cables on the Ambush Evolution is that when they’re on the tree, they will get tight, but they don’t dig in like some other types of deer stands, and that’s by design. You don’t want to dig in to the tree and damage it, and possibly kill it.

XOP Evolution attaching bottom part to tree

The stand has a cool feature where the cross brace is curved, which allows easier attachment to the tree as well as easier climbing.

XOP Evolution seat strap

Here’s a look at the top half of the XOP Ambush Evolution before unpacking to attach to the tree.

XOP Evolution putting top half on tree

When you wrap the straps around the tree, you realize… boy, those straps nice and quiet!

XOP Evolution Climbing Straps

These straps connect the top half to the bottom half while climbing so that you don’t accidentally drop the bottom half and have it fall down the tree.

Climbing The Tree

getting into the XOP Evolution stand

You need to get inside of the top half of the climber to begin your ascent.

xop boot clearance

In this review, I’ve got on these cowboy boots. But, that’s not what I hunt in. I prefer to hunt in insulated rubber boots. And this stand doesn’t give a whole lot of clearance between the base of the stand and where you need to get your foot. And my rubber boots don’t go in here very easily.

XOP Evolution feet in bottom part

As you sit on the bar, you put your feet under the crossbar… this is how you will lift the bottom portion up the tree…

climbing in the XOP Evolution

and just move the bottom platform up the tree a few feet at a time until you reach your desired height.

XOP Evolution tightening climbing straps

Once you get the stand the height that you want to hunt at, the first thing you do is to tighten the safety straps down as tight as you can get them. This will prevent the top from coming down since it can’t be lifted while strapped tight. And it will keep the bottom connected to the top as well.

sitting in the XOP Evolution stand

You can see how my knees are just a little bit bent. I’m going to have my bow on a hanger, and I want my legs to have only a little bit of bend in them so whenever I go to stand up, I don’t have as far to go.

The sit and climb bar is designed for bow hunters to step through it and fold it under out of your way.

And that leaves me to one of the things that I would change just a little bit about the stand. I would prefer a larger seat, as my hips are squeezed a bit, due to the size of the factory seat.

If you bowhunt, you know it’s true!

XOP Ambush Evolution Foot space on platform

The platform doesn’t give you a ton of room to move around, but again, lightweight is often a tradeoff with size.

XOP Evolution seat

The seat width created a tighter fit on my hips than I would have liked, but there are some aftermarket mesh seat options out there that may help remedy this.

Another “con” to this stand is that the seat is a very tight fit on my hips, and it’s not the most comfortable seat.

Of course, there are gives and takes with how light and portable a stand can be and still be as comfortable as a larger and heavier stand might be.

Final Thoughts On XOP The Ambush Evolution Sit-And-Climb Deer Stand

Overall, I like the Ambush Evolution Sit-And-Climb stand from XOP. It’s performed really well for me on several hunts. This is by far the most compact stand I’ve ever hunted in. I also love how light it is.

The only improvements I would make is foot clearance under the crossbar, as well as the “hip squeeze” I experienced with the factory seat.

I hope this review has helped you make a choice on whether or not you would use this stand. I would recommend it to anybody who likes to run and gun with a light setup, has a good bit of walking to do, or has to carry camera equipment with them. Because the stand is so light, it makes the walk into your hunting spot easier.

Happy hunting, and please always wear a safety harness!

– Josh Wells, N1 Outdoors® Co-Founder

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